Chapter 21

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Curd, Sunny, and Hannah were all sitting in Curd's dorm where they were watching a movie. All of them were worried about their friends. Wondering what was happening that they couldn't see. Just as they were comfortable, they heard a knock at the door. "Oh no! It's them! What do we say?!" Sunny cried. "M-Maybe they won't ask!" Curd replied. "Curd! This is no time to be optimistic!" Hannah answered, nervously scratching her wrist. "Ok ok! No one panic! Just act casual! Just... make up stuff as we go!" Hannah added before heading towards the door.

More knocks went on the door as she reached for the doorknob. Quickly she opened it up, grinning as big as she could. There stood Charmy, Blaze, Cream, and Tails. "Dad! You doing okay?" she asked happily. "No... not really. Have you seen Diamond? Or any of the others? Maybe even Melany or Ruby? I know they hang out with you a lot." Charmy asked gloomily.

Hannah opened her mouth to talk but nothing came out. "What she means to say is, we don't know! Uh- we haven't seen them since they all left the party. We saw Blizzard, Ruby, Melany, and maybe a few others before now. But- we don't know where they are now!" Sunny responded. "Are you sure you didn't see where they went? It's really important! We gotta help them if we can." Tails questioned. "NOPE!" all three replied, slamming the door. Surprised, all four were taken back but shrugged it off.

"They have to be somewhere in the city! None of them would just runoff." Cream cried. "I'm sure they're somewhere hiding from us. Don't worry..." Tails reassured. All of them met outside where Espio and Vector met up with them, both looked panicked. "Espio! Vector! What's wrong?" Cream questioned. "Well, besides the fact we can't find Hunter nor Finn is worrisome enough, but one of our vehicles is missing. We think either our kids stole it or the new five teens did." Espio explained.

"But that means they could be anywhere by now!" Blaze cried. "We can't jump to conclusions. I'm sure they're around here somewhere." Espio reassured. "But what if they aren't! What if something happened!" Blaze cried. "Blaze, relax. I'm sure we're just overreacting! Besides... they'll come back." Tails reassured. But if he was being honest, he was lying to himself.

After a couple of hours of searching, they met up with the others who were looking for their missing teens. "Any luck?" Sonic asked. "Nothing. I'm really worried!" Amy cried. "I'm sure they're fine! After what happened tonight... maybe they all needed space." Knuckles replied. "I wish my father was more understanding..." Gadget sighed. "Hey, don't be so hard yourself. It's not your fault he's not exactly excepting." Vector reassured. "I hope I can find them... we don't need any more problems." Silver sighed. "Tell me about it." Sonic muttered.

One more minute went by as the clock chimed nine o'clock. "C'mon guys... Queen Elise needs us..." Whisper sighed. And with that, they walked off.


The loud chime of the clock halfway across town made Blizzard snap awake instantly. He looked and saw that night had fallen across the sky and realized they had been there practically the whole day. "Oh gosh... Guys! Guys!" he cried, shaking his friends awake. "W-What?" Melany sighed as she looked up. "IT'S NIGHT!" she shouted. "Yes, it's night!"

"Oh heck no! This is probably the worse time to be here!" Typhoon cried as he woke up. "Can you guys be quiet!" Ruby cried realizing they didn't need any trouble. Together, they got up and left to look around the town. Unlike earlier, the town was busy, there were citizens walking around everywhere, lights were actually on, and stuff was actually happening instead of it being so quiet.

They looked around to see havoc and casual conversation among each other. "We're going to stand out so badly!" Astro cried. "We stand out just by saying we stand out!" Misty cried. "We'll never get anywhere with you guys acting like this! Just- relax! We gotta find the others before we get into some sort of trouble! I mean, how hard could it be?" Blizzard urged them. All of them nodded their heads and went off.

Everywhere there was always the feeling of hostility. Some snapped at them if they came too close. Others paid them no mind at all. Many were smoking as they sat there on the street or spraying many things on the walls with any graffiti cans they found. "Look at me when you're talking to me asshole!" "I don't have to do shit!" 

After that small dialogue, the two of them got into a fight in the middle of the street. Others who witnessed it either laughed and walked away or joined in on the brawl.

The gang walked away from that situation and wondered what else would happen. "I'd give anything to get out of this town..." Melany sighed. "Same here..." Ruby sighed. A few minutes later, they had officially entered a whole other section of town. It seemed to be quieter in the area they were in.

"Ugh! This is taking too long! There's gotta be a better way!" Melany whined. "Okay then, what do you propose?" Hunter questioned. Melany opened her mouth but nothing came out. "I... I don't know! But there has to be something!" she cried.

Hidden in the corner, there were others watching them closely. Very closely. They slunk around in different corners trying to get better views.

"Maybe we just need to ask someone for directions!" Blizzard replied. "Does this look like a town where you ask for anything?" Misty asked frantically. "She does have point, we don't want to stick out too much." Carina replied. "We don't want to be here any longer than we have to so it couldn't do much harm!" Typhoon urged. Just as he said that, someone began to come out of the shadows. Right as they came out, the others huddled together in a circle. "Well... hello. Nice evening. I didn't think anyone wondered these streets anymore." the stranger snarled hood hiding his face.

Blizzard and Typhoon protected the group from the front and stood firmly. "So... are you actually from this part?" they asked. One came up to the stranger's left and the other on his right, both wearing hoods and masks. "Uh... I guess so." Ruby replied for the group. All three chuckled before erupting into laughter. More members came into the light where they could see them. "HAHA! Did we mention we've got places to be?" Melany questioned nervously.

Some of them began to move back before some stopped them in their tracks. Many were pointed ray guns and other things at them. "Listen. You must've been released around here... I don't think you understand the rules of the Pistol Pack," the main guy said. "You don't leave until we say. You wouldn't wanna be rude right?" he explained calmly. "Second. You don't leave us empty-handed." he sneered. Since they were in the middle of the circle where the other member couldn't see them, Astro and Carina accessed the weapons they had on them. They managed to hand one over to Misty who nodded her head.

Melany reached into her pocket so she could easily access her hammer. Everyone else readied themselves. "So... in the name of Shadow and Midnight the Hedgehog... fork it over!" the leader ordered, pointing his gun at Blizzard. "W-Wait! You know Midnight!" Blizzard said out loud. "Who doesn't? Now fork it over or die!"

Ruby pushed her friends out of the way and created a whole wall of flames to shield them. "Woah! What the-" another member cried. "Hypno! Get them from the back!"

"I hear you Pistol!"

Yet before he could get to them, they had already begun running in the other direction to escape. "UGH! Guys they're getting away!" he shouted.

There in the most unproductive part of the town, a whole brawl brewed. All the teens faced this unknown struggle. Both Pistol and Hypno faced them with the rest of their gang. 

"For Midnight." Pistol told his friend. "For Midnight." Hypno quickly replied.

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