Chapter 50

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Reaper still comforted Midnight the best he could considering she was still the same. He noticed the sadness in her eyes. He chewed, nuzzling once more. Midnight noticed this and softly smiled. "I've got so much to figure out now... I didn't know everything would happen so fast. Where did it go wrong? I mean, even after I came here I haven't done anything wrong. What the hell did my dad do to deserve this? What the hell did any of my friends' parents do to be dragged back to a dump?" Midnight raged. Her mood didn't sway the small black and red Chao. Reaper replied by shrugging.

"For all I know, my dad probably did this plan in the most destructive way ever! But- at least he was doing the right thing! When was the last time Mobius did anything useful for us? Never! Not since the sickness! And they have the nerve to tell our parents all the shit they've done wrong? I know now my dad is probably suffering in a box like I have! What kind of justice do they think exists?" Midnight stopped her rant and stared at Reaper with enraged eyes. She calmed down seeing him sit there with little emotion.

Briefly, she sighed and let herself fall back on her bed. The Chaos Emerald still sat on her nightstand. "Sorry... Life hasn't been the same for the past few days. I mean... it's barely been a week... Am I wrong to feel this way?" Immediately, Reaper shook his head. "You're right. I have a right to feel this way! My "friends" just let our parents get snatched!"

Suddenly she stopped ranting and dug through her backpack that was on the other side of her bed. Inside it was the old picture of Blizzard and her on a date. It brought back so much unwanted pain that hurt worse than walking on hot concrete during summer.

Midnight held the Emerald with a tight grasp. It glowed brightly. Thinking about her family being taken away from her made it ignite brighter than before. Though it didn't seem to startle her. "To think any Mobian ever had our back. Well, I won't ever let them take our home. They have to pay." Midnight squeezed the emerald tighter. It only flowed brighter. Reaper glanced at her worriedly. Her eyes turned to the same emerald green the more she held it. Reaper panicked and charged for the emerald. He knocked it out of her hands and tumbled to the ground.

Coming back to her original state, Midnight groaned rubbing her forehead. She fell to her knees catching herself with her hands. The power of the emerald left her feeling drained. "I've... I've gotta be more careful with that thing." Picking it up, she looked over at Reaper who had recovered from what had happened. "Reaper! Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" she asked frantically, picking him up gently. He chewed, gently nuzzling his best friend. "I promise I'll be more careful. I just wish everything was easier than this..."

Reaper nodded looking at the Chaos Emerald. "Dad told me using too much power takes up to much of our energy. He was scared of me using too much to wear I passed out. That would mean the protection shield would fall apart completely. Obviously, we don't need that to happen. But... I wish there were a way to see how my dad was doing..."

The sad emotions on her face left her feeling a certain way. Then her little Chao came up with an idea. In his own way, he explained to Midnight he would go out to find out where Shadow and the others were being kept. "What? No! Reaper that's risky! What if someone recognizes you?! They'll force you to stay in the Chao gardens! Or worse... in a cage... It's just too dangerous. I couldn't ask you to do that." Reaper shook his head and then quickly nodded. He wanted to go.

"You could get stuck there! I wouldn't be able to get there without getting recaptured!" she cried. Reaper huffed and looked out at the widow. He jumped up and down in place. "Are you sure you want to go?" Reaper once again nodded his head urging him to head outside. Midnight sighed knowing she wasn't going to win this fight. "Alright, fine! But listen, you have to promise me you'll be careful!" Reaper rapidly nodded his head. He already knew the risks ahead of time. "Ugh... What am I going to do without you?" Midnight asked him, cupping him gently in her hands. He gently chewed, shaking himself off.


On her motorcycle, Midnight rode down the streets with Reaper inside the seat compartment. As she road down, her thoughts of losing her best friend were endless. Despite all this, she returned to the edge of Mobius where the shield had first formed. Her leather jacket peaked up in the wind as she drove, turning a corner swiftly. She reached their point before stopping the bike and hopping off. She opened the seat compartment to pull Reaper out of the space.

He chewed gently as they approached the shield. In her other hand, she held the Chaos Emerald with a soft grip. "Are you sure about this?" Midnight questioned once more.

Reaper then went into a series of rants that Midnight couldn't understand. The only thing she could do in response was giggle. "Okay okay! I get it... I'm just worried about what might happen..."

Once again, Reaper shook his head. Using the Chaos Emerald, a small hole in the shield formed. Midnight opened her palms and let Reaper fly towards the exit. Before letting him go, she put something around his neck. "This is a necklace I made with the Chaos Emerald's magic. From afar we'll be able to communicate with each other. Please be safe Reaper. I trust you. Do whatever you have to do. I'll try my best to get the portal opened up for you whenever you decide to come back. Don't let the Mobians catch you." Midnight told him.

The two shared a sweet moment of friendship. Midnight was worried about her friend. But she felt confident in Reaper. Reaper pressed his forehead against his caregiver's, trying to make her smile one last time. Then as quickly as they had arrived at the edge of town, Reaper flew out of the hole, flying all the way to Mobius.

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