Chapter 61

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Opening a door, the ex-prisoners were escorted into a new place. It was a bigger apartment that their kids had but it was comfortable. Much better than the prison beds. "Well, this is where you'll be staying for a while! We know it's not much but it's comfy! If you need anything let us know!" Cream told them. None of them had anything rude to say to her. After all, she was still the young girl who didn't truly understand what happened when the town split. "Thanks... I know it can't be easy to help us when you can't even look at us the same way." Infinite replied. Cream smiled warmly and nodded. "Anything to help you guys out. I'm sorry about everything again... this was the best Knuckles could do." Cream responded. All of them looked at each other confused. "Wait- that walking red tomato was the reason we got out of jail?!" Scourge exclaimed.

"U-Um... yes?" Cream replied unsure of what to say. Fiona rolled her eyes and walked away. "Probably because he felt pathetic."

Tails came to the apartment to see them moving around and exploring. "Have they adjusted?"

"To be honest, this is as good as it'll get for them. You know how stubborn Sonic is... I had to go back to the volunteer center just to get them blankets and pillows. Knuckles was lucky he managed to get them a proper living space. But I doubt they'll want to stay here for long... I can tell they're lonely... I just don't know what to do."

Knowing she wanted to help, Tails brought her in close and hugged her around her waist. She melted into his loving grasp. "Whatever they need I'll try to help with too. I'm trying to be better too, love. It's sad that it took a disaster against our own kids to make me realize all the stuff I've done." Tails reassured her. "Now that's the two-tailed fox I love." Cream smiled and she kissed him softly. Tails kissed back and held her in his arms.

Meanwhile, everyone in the apartment just stared at them in shock.  "They're still here. Does anyone wanna break it to them?" Jet asked them. "Nah, let the two feel embarrassed later, it's funny." Mephiles replied. "Who knew Cream was into nerds." Scourge added. Finally, the couple left them alone in their own apartment to get comfortable for the night. "I'll never get over the fact that we're actually stuck in this god-awful town. Let's just hope those other damn rats give us a bigger pain in the ass than they already have." Infinite noted as he rolled over to go to sleep.

Fiona sighed and put a pair of earplugs into her ears. "Don't stay up too late." she added before pulling the covers over her head. Jet shrugged and sprawled out on the bed taking up as much space as he could. Lightning groaned before clearing most of the sheets off her bed before laying on her side slightly curled up with her tail laid along her legs. Mephiles and Scourge looked at each other wondering how to feel about their situation. "We're not getting out of this any time soon are we?" Scourge sighed. Mephiles shook his head as he lay down. "Nope... we're not."


Early the next morning, Infinite awoke to the sound of someone banging on the door. He sat up startled wondering what it was. To his surprise, none of his other friends woke up. Infinite grumbled as he got out of bed to go answer the door to see who it was. When he opened the door, he was shocked to see Gadget standing there. Gadget's ears perked at the sight of his former attacker. For a moment the memories of the jackal destroying everything came to his mind but quickly shook his head.

"Good morning Infinite! I hope you got a good night's rest! Are you ready to head out?" the smaller wolf questioned enthusiastically. Infinite flashed him a confused look. "What? What do you mean?" Infinite questioned sleepily. "You... You don't remember? I'm supposed to take you around Mobius. To help you get adjusted." Infinite rolled his eyes and slammed the door in Gadget's face. Angered, Gadget then kicked the door surprising everyone inside the apartment.

"Listen here you stupid jackal. I might've been nice enough to give you a second chance about this whole "change" thing! But that doesn't mean I'm going to let you push me around like you did years ago! Okay?! Now go outside so we go for a walk!" Gadget shouted. Infinite glanced over at his friends as they were all trying to hold back laughs. Although Infinite knew better than to piss off Gadget despite being bigger than him. He grumbled as he walked out of the apartment with the small wolf who then tried closing the door but then realized he broke the hinges. "Uh... I'll get someone to fix that later."

When they walked away, everyone erupted in laughter seeing what just happened. "Wow! Dad really has sunk down to a new low." Lightning scoffed. "Imagine sinking low for that little crybaby. I could never." Fiona chuckled and got up to get ready. "Why does this day make me so scared?" Jet questioned. "This is Mobius. We're in their territory. But just because they took us out of Dark Side, doesn't mean they took the Dark Side out of us. We're not going to let them do anything to us." Mephiles assured them. Their other assistants came to the apartment and led them out into the public eye.

Not sure how to deal with the outside town, they glared at everyone that walked past them. The Mobians eventually had to break off the group to get a better understanding of what they were dealing with.


Hours went by with each one before the group met up again exhausted. "I'm sorry, but am I the only one who's never going to get used to this "cupcakes and rainbows" vibes their trying to give off here? Who thinks that frozen yogurt is going to change the way I feel?!" Fiona ranted. Scourge stopped himself from putting another spoonful from himself while mumbling to himself. Jet relaxed in his seat seeing that his friends seemed down about the whole thing.

"Look, give it time. We've got nothing better to do and if we even try to escape, we're in trouble. And trust me, if we even manage to find out way around here to get close to home, we're right back to where we started. So just... let's try to get through this one day at a time okay? I mean what else are we going to do?" Everyone shrugged or realized that Jet had a point. There wasn't anything that they could do. Not anything that put them in a better position than they were already in. "Alright, fine! But if this doesn't change for us soon, I'll be having my own words." Mephiles told them.

"Fair enough. I can't expect you to have patience forever." Jet sighed. With that, they went on to have a decent afternoon.

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