Chapter 28

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Midnight stood there conflicted about what to do. She looked to her friends to see if they would give her any advice. But they seemed equally shocked themselves. "I... I don't know! But Blizzard I can't go back! And I doubt you guys would be able to adjust to a new life around here! It's nothing like Mobius!" she cried. "I know! But Midnight... I'd do anything for you..." he promised, taking her hand.

"We'll stay. Or, at least I will too." Ruby reassured coming closer to Mystic. "I refuse to let down the one I love again." Hunter said, walking up to Diamond. "Life isn't the same without you!" Finn chimed walking over to Smoke happily. "Nothing's chasing me away again!" Catrina replied and raced over to hug Fade.

Everyone there shed tears of happiness. They were beyond happy that their mates wanted to stay for them. "I'm staying too! I can't leave my best friends hanging!" Misty added standing up proudly." she reassured them.

Most of everyone else nodded their heads and looked over at their friends. They were just waiting for one more approval. They looked over at Melany who was unsure of what to say. Feeling the intensity of multiple eyes on her, she sighed heavily and groaned. "Fine! I'll stay too!" she whined. Blizzard pulled Midnight in off guard and gently kissed her once more. Both stayed like that for a couple of minutes before Mystic walked over.

"Ahem, I don't want to ruin anything, but shouldn't we head to your dad's place?" he asked curiously. "Oh! You're so right! We better hurry!" she cried. Everyone began running for the tallest and biggest building. It stood out from any other building in the town. Just as they began running off, someone jumped in front of them. "Midnight! I'm... I'm sorry about earlier!" It was Pistol. Everyone stopped briefly. Ruby began hissing, baring her fangs. Mystic wrapped his arms around her to assure her she didn't have to be on her guard.

"Pistol! Oh my gosh! I... I didn't mean to lash out at you like that! And... and then I left without saying anything! I should be sorry!" she cried, rushing up to hug him tightly.

Not minding it at all, Pistol hugged her back. "Don't be worried about it. At least you're back right?" he reassured. They let go and he was able to greet the others happily. "I feel like it's been years since we've ever gotten to really see each other." Pistol added warmly. "Don't worry, you'll get to see us more often after today. Dark Side's greatest apprentices have returned!" Mystic promised. "Great! Honestly... the whole place has gotten worse since you guys left. You couldn't have come back any time sooner."

Startled, Midnight looked inside her bag again where the Chaos Emeralds were stashed. Reaper nudged her and pointed to the house above. She looked up and saw her house not too far from where they were standing. "Is... Is my dad still at our home?" she asked. "Well... I mean he has no other real reason to leave the house. He only leaves for Rouge and to finish fights. Which rarely happens." Pistol replied grimly.

Midnight threw her shoulder pack on properly again and began walking towards the right street. "I have to get there! It's getting worse! Watch Reaper!" she cried, gently handing him over to Diamond. Midnight didn't even wait for a response from anyone. She kept racing towards her dad's house and didn't stop once to catch her breath. Many citizens noticed her quick pace and realized that she was headed straight for Shadow's.

At the top of the hill, Midnight ran up the stairs of her front porch and dashed inside of her house, bursting through the door. "DAD!" she cried out. There was no one in her kitchen. Or her living room. Or the dining room.  She raced upstairs wondering if he was upstairs. She checked his room, every bathroom, the bonus room. No Shadow anywhere.

The thought crossed her mind and she gently walked over to her bedroom. She noticed the door was barely cracked. Startled, she wondered if someone broke in and her dad wasn't home. Ready to face whoever it was. Midnight gently pushed the door. It didn't make a sound as she entered. But what she saw surprised her. Shadow had his back to the door. He was sitting on Midnight's bed. He still didn't even notice her come into the room.

Getting a look over his shoulder, he had a picture in his hands.

It was of her mother and herself.

His thumb caressed the photo frame. He sighed and she noticed a tear falling down his cheek. "You know, I never knew meeting you would bring so much joy and so much pain into my life... Not that I regret ever laying eyes on you. I only wish... I only wish you were here to guide me to make better decisions. Now... I worry about our daughter... the one I swore to you I would protect and love endlessly." he sighed.

Walking closer and closer to her dad, Midnight stood to the side of her bed, still out of her dad's view. "I'm sorry..." Shadow cried once more, silently crying to himself. Midnight felt her heart beginning to break. She knew she couldn't wait anymore. "Dad..." she said softly. Shadow snapped view to the side of her room, his ears perked. His eyes widened. She sighed and sat next to him. "I didn't mean to be away for so long. I... I had stuff come up in the middle of it all! But... I did as you asked!" she cried.

She reached into her bag and handed him all seven Chaos Emeralds she received. "I brought them to you dad. I know this is for the benefit of Dark Side. I wouldn't have done it for any other reason. I did this for you, me, and everyone in our town." she said. Shadow held all of them carefully. But to her surprise, he put them all aside on the bed.

He hugged her so tight she was wondering if he was planning to break her. "Dad?" she said, trying to get his attention. "I didn't care about those emeralds at a certain point Night... I just wanted you home!" he sobbed. "Well, I'm here for good." she promised, hugging him back at one point. Together they headed downstairs.

They fixed a meal together, sitting at their usual kitchen table. Midnight told him pretty much everything that happened while in Mobius. About her friends, Blizzard, the Council, their accomplishments, and the reason that triggered them to come back. The many things that she endured. "You were right dad... it was everything I didn't want to be... They tried to change me for crying out loud!" she cried.

Shadow sipped at his coffee. "I told you. Mobius is everything I don't want for you. But I'm glad you're back. I was so worried... We all were..." he replied calmly. "I know, my friends passed the rest before coming here. But I promise dad, we're not leaving again. I'm done pretending to be something I'm not!" she reassured him. "Good. Because now what I've been planning to do for Dark Side can finally be followed through." he explained.

Midnight nodded and together she followed him back upstairs. In their house, they had a mic set up on a balcony that he used to declare his orders to Dark Side. Together they went up there and since it was night, everyone's eyes turned to face him. Many gasped at the sight of Midnight considering the fact not everyone knew she had returned. "Citizens of Dark Side, I am here to proudly tell you that my daughter has returned. So have the rest of my council's children. From here forward we no longer have to suffer! Let's rejoice! Dark Side has a bright future! Things are going to get better from here!"

Everyone cheered and raised their fists in glory. "And... it's my honor to announce... that because of their accomplishments," Shadow went on. "I have decided that indeed, Midnight, my only daughter, will rule Dark Side with the rest of the rulers' children after me." he declared proudly. "So, bow down to your future Queen." Obeying their leader, everyone including Midnight's friends all bowed their heads.

Midnight was stunned but her dad patted her back. "You've earned this. Feel proud." her dad added. He was right. Things could only go up from here!

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