Chapter 30

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Midnight was now in her room alone. She rearranged stuff all over as her friends walked into the room. Diamond and Fade walked in. They were the only ones ever allowed inside. "I can't believe it Night!" Diamond squealed. "I know! Me... A leader? Oh my gosh... I don't know how I'm gonna do all this... and not only that, my dad's gonna throw a whole ceremony! I don't know how to feel about it." Midnight told them.

Together her friends comforted her. "Hey, it's gonna be fine! You're going to attend your own ceremony and then receive the blessing to be the next leader!" Fade reassured her.

"I know but... this is all happening so fast! Wouldn't you be nervous if Rouge or Scourge was rushing this for you guys?" she asked them. "I don't know if you realized this or not, but my dad would hardly ever trust me with his gang. So I can't relate!" Fade chuckled. "And while my mom wants me to run her business, there's no rush in her mind!" she added. "Well, I'm nervous and excited at the same time!" she said. "Well c'mon! The others can't wait to see you!" Diamond urged. They all ran outside and citizens all over were surrounding her house to see their future Queen.

While many of them congratulated her, some gave a look of doubt. But not many said anything in protest especially since Shadow was around. Reaper flew onto her shoulder which she then reached over to hold him gently. "Huh, you're excited for me too I assume?" Reaper began snickering and jumping up and down in her hands. "I thought so!" she chuckled.

She looked behind her and saw Blizzard behind her. She blushed as he held her close to him. "I'm happy for you." he told her. Midnight smiled but then gently frowned. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked. "Look... you really don't have to stay here... I want you to but I can't force you!" she cried. Immediately Blizzard kissed her. "I could. But I'd rather be here with you. Even though we're different, I couldn't care less." he reassured her. "Just be yourself to your town." he told her, holding her close.

"I'm just happy you're staying for the long run." she said, smiling. Blizzard chuckled and the two shared a passionate kiss when they thought no one was looking. Someone cleared their throat, interrupting their moment. Shadow stood behind them, glaring at Blizzard who tried to compose himself. "O-Oh! Dad! Sorry! I meant to introduce you to-" she began. "So this is the Blizzard you've told me about." he growled.

Knowing her dad, Midnight got in front of Blizzard. "Listen, I know what you're thinking but I swear he's not like the other guys in Darkside. He treats me, well dad." she promised. "Go." he ordered her. "No, dad!" she pleaded. "Go, Midnight." he ordered, more firmly this time. Afraid of what'll happen, she walked off, going to her friends that weren't too far. There were only her father and her boyfriend left by themselves. "With all respect sir, I love Midnight. I wouldn't do anything to hurt her."

"You see that's where I'm suspicious... you remind me of someone... Someone I used to know..." Shadow stated. Blizzard looked at him confused. "In Darkside... there's no such thing as a "gentleman" at your age. Everyone's always wanting something from a girl. Especially if it's a girl like my daughter. Trust me when I say I won't allow her to throw her life away to some boy who just wants to get into her pants. And those clothes and makeup, don't fool me. I know you aren't from here. I know that someone as nice as you wouldn't be able to get someone like her in a lifetime. Now... Who. The. Hell. Are. You." he asked threateningly.

Swallowing the nervous knot in his throat, Blizzard stood up straight, staring down the fearless leader of Darkside. "I love your daughter!" he snapped. Shadow knocked him to the ground, trying to find answers. "Who are you!" he demanded again. "Look... where I come from you already don't like us! You don't like anyone from where I come from! I don't want it to ruin my life just because of what I'm going to tell you!"


Forming a tight fist, he shouted; "I'm Blizzard! Son of Silver!" he cried at last. Shadow's whole world came to a halt. He looked away in disgust. Blizzard was unsure of what to say about any of this. He knew it wasn't going anywhere good though. "Of all the guys... she picked you." Shadow finally said coldly. "I promise, I'm not going to take her away. I'm staying here in Darkside with the rest of you."

Shaking his head, Shadow turned around and looked back at him, getting into his face. "You took her when you didn't just send her back home." he sighed. "It wasn't our decision. And I'm not in lust with Night. Sure she's way different from every girl in Mobius, but that's what I like. You'd be surprised about what she's accomplished without me. I don't look at her like that!" he urged. "It's not just you, hedgehog. Do you have any idea about what happened between our two towns? We were doing just fine. If anything, it was perfect for once in my life! I had it the best! But then the divisions came! So many have suffered here for years! And what have any of you done..? Nothing..." he growled.

"I wasn't there for that! None of my friends were a part of this! I know some of the histories. But not a lot. But that isn't any of our faults!" Shadow looked back at his daughter, seeing how happy and bright she was now that she was back where she belonged. Thinking to himself he knew they had the Chaos Emeralds. So if anything did go downhill, at least everything wasn't a complete loss.

With a heavy sigh, he turned around and reached out to shake Blizzard's hand. "I believe we can find a good use for you around here. And as long as you treat her right, you can see Midnight as long as I allow it." he said. Blizzard nodded, shaking his hand. "You've got nothing to worry about. She's as good as gold!" he replied. Shadow huffed and walked away slowly, back into his house for his friends to arrive.

Somewhat relieved he walked back over to his mate to love on her. "So how'd it go?" she asked. "Better than I thought it would!" he smiled. She took him to a private place in her backyard where they shared a private moment of laughter and happiness. Shadow looked out from the window, watching his daughter so happy.

I hate how you've grown so fast...

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