Chapter 42

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On the ride home, all the Mobian teens sat in silence as they were driven back by Mobian forces who had stayed behind to help them get home. Their parents were sure what to say knowing that most of their mood was caused by them. When they did make it back, everyone was escorted to the Council's housing area and they were put into a room until their parents returned from a report to Queen Elise.

The ones who had left were reunited with Sunny, Hannah, Curd, and Swift who were somewhat excited to see them again. Their reunion was bitter-sweet considering what all had happened. After a while, their parents came back and sat down at a round table to discuss punishment. "Well... It seems to me that you guys were reckless. I know you only wanted to help out your friends... and your mates. But someone seriously could've gotten hurt!" Amy began.

"That's the other thing! You guys didn't even ask to see if we would go back looking for them! We have other options that don't include running off!" Vector added. "Besides that you also had friends stick back and lie to our faces. You're lucky we found you in time... Who knows what else could've happened." Tails added. 

"I know you think you know everything from Mobian High's history classes... The truth is, we've been dealing with those guys for years at this point. You have no idea what they were capable of and still, each one of you went into an area full of traitors and criminals. Dangerous ones. Things could've gone terribly wrong. We love you all. Keeping you safe and inside Mobius is our top priority. Just know that your actions could've put others in more danger than last time." Sonic told them gravely.

More lectures from the other members progressed and eventually, it came to an end. The Council members quickly stood up to leave the room for a few minutes. Each of the teens sat down in chairs that were put in the room. "So... do you think we're grounded for life?" Melany asked the group. "Probably. I mean they were angry. And our dad is usually chill." Hunter pointed out.

"Not only that... At this point, they'll never let us out of their sight! And to think we won't ever be allowed back in Dark Side ever again..." Misty added. "I know... I just hope our parents aren't too harsh on us..." Curd sighed. "They're our parents... They'll do anything to make their point across." Sunny growled. "Looks like life is going back to normal after today..." Swift sighed sadly.

Soon their parents returned back and sat back down. All the teens were anxious about what their punishment would be. Blaze cleared her throat.

"We've decided you've endured a lot during this experience. Although don't let that fool you, what went down between you all when we weren't watching you guys wasn't right. No one gave any of you permission to leave town at all. Period. So of course, we have to give some sort of ruling to show you can't ever do this again." she began.

Sonic himself nodded his head, looking to the teens. "So for all of you, no phones, no staying out after 5:00 pm, no allowance. All of this will be for a month." he told them. Immediately everyone began protesting, whining, and complaining, telling them how unfair it was. "If you keep it up, we can make it two months." Sonic intervened. Quickly everyone quieted down. "Any questions?" No one said anything. "Good. Alright, well, let's head out guys. It's been... It's been a long day..."

They stood up to leave, all the Council taking their kids with them to head home. No one left feeling satisfied. Each of them went back heartbroken and upset. It wasn't fair.

Blizzard and Silver eventually went home and walked into their apartment. Silver turned on the light as they came inside. Deep down he knew his son was hurting. "Hey... it'll be okay! Things will get better I promise!" Silver reassured, putting his hand on Blizzard's shoulder.  Blizzard tensed up a little bit and managed to get Silver's hand off his shoulder. "Don't talk to me." he snapped and began to walk away. "Blizzard! Don't talk like that." Silver snapped.

Both faced each other. "You know what dad, I don't care what you say, I love Midnight and I should've stayed in Dark Side! I would've dealt with the heat! But you and everyone else here are too ashamed to talk about what you did to everyone else over there! Do you realize how poorly every one is living in there?! I can't believe you... To think you and everyone else are heroes to this town... But sometimes... I doubt that's true."

"Listen to me Blizzard, you don't know what you're talking about! I've faced every single one of those guys we've arrested in that town! None of them are good news. We've had numerous casualties because of them. Things have gone wrong faster than I thought they would.  I won't risk you or my friends to any of them! Look I know you're hurt because of Midnight... I know how it feels to lose someone, I do! But... You're so young. You've got a life ahead of you. This is just something we have to move past."

"Yeah well, they won't without their family! I mean I look at myself and I have you but Midnight and the others don't have anyone there to be there for them! The fact that all of you continue to harass and hurt them! And now what?! You're only asking for more trouble as always! Why do you think they always retaliate! I learned a lot from Midnight just as much as she had from us! I love her! And you chased her away from me!" he shouted.

When he calmed down a little bit, Blizzard crossed his arms and stared at his dad with a glare. "Do you think mom would be proud of what you've done?" he asked. Silver flinched. "Don't talk about her like that... Sure she wouldn't be proud! But she would understand why I'm doing all of this!" he snapped.

It was quiet once more as Blizzard began to walk away. "Then why can't I?" Blizzard then went to his bedroom where he slammed the door shut. Silver's ears pinned as he sat down on the sofa giving a huge groan while rubbing his forehead.

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