Chapter 6

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Before she could answer, the school bell rang dismissing her class. "You should hurry to your next class. You have a lot to do." Blaze replied. All five grumbled or rolled their eyes before walking out. When they were gone, Blaze sighed, exhausted, and laid back in her chair. She pinched her forehead with her fingers before rubbing the spot. "You're cute when you're frustrated." a voice said softly. Blaze looked up and saw Amy walk into the room.

Both were smiling as they walked to each other. They shared a tender kiss in her class while no one was around to spoil it. After a brief moment, both smiled and hugged each other. "So, how'd it go?" Amy asked curiously. "You weren't kidding when you said they'd be difficult." Blaze chuckled nervously.

"Mm. They were the same with me don't worry." Amy smirked. "Did you hear what happened to Melany?" Blaze asked. "Yes, she came to me crying. I wasn't too surprised. She shouldn't have been rude though. Heard anything from Ruby?" "No, I don't think she's even seen the bunch yet." "Well, that's what happens when you let her stay in the library with Blizzard all day." "Oh please! It makes her happy." "Just like I make you happy?" Blaze chuckled at Amy batting her eyes and they shared one more kiss. "I need to keep working, I'll talk to you soon!" Blaze reassured. "Okayyyy! Love you!" Amy giggled before running off.

All the while, Midnight, Mystic, and Smoke had headed outside to the fields. "Alright, everyone! I need you all to run four times around these fields! This is our warm-up! Hurry up okay! We're playing rugby today!" she explained. Everyone began running around the field, warming up. While everyone else seemed to fall behind, Midnight, Mystic, and Smoke were at the very front.

Seeing there were so many behind them, they scoffed knowing how often they were used to running throughout their town for a long time. "This is a sad bunch." Smoke chuckled.

"On your left Midnight." Mystic replied. Midnight peeked slightly on her blind side. A light blue hedgehog ran up to her side. "So, you're the new kids?" he asked them. "I guess." Midnight replied. "Nice to actually meet you! Name's Typhoon!" he replied. "We didn't ask." Mystic replied harshly. Typhoon was taken off guard but continued to pester them.

"So are you really from the other town? You guys have powers? What are you doing here? How come you're here?" he asked consistently. Smoke used his own powers to trip Typhoon with a shadowy tentacle. He landed with a thud and they ran off trying to meet up where the coach told them to stop. "Alright everyone, I'm splitting you into teams. Play fair and be nice about tackling," she instructed and pushed everyone into teams. The three were in one team together. Their focus was on everyone around them.

When someone threw the ball, Midnight was the first one who was able to steal the ball and score a point. Smoke tackled someone else from the other team. "I didn't think this would be easy!" he chuckled after pinning one player roughly. Mystic was able to read to other's minds and predict their next moves. He stole the ball again and scored the points. But they had a competition coming for them.

Especially with one particular girl. The bright red echidna came out of nowhere and tackled Midnight who was running with the ball. "Gotcha!" she chuckled and snatched the ball. Growling in anger, Midnight raced after and caught her again. Both were now fighting each other out of rage. The coach blew her whistle and did her best to break them up.

"Alright, that's enough! Hit the bench!" she snapped and pushed both girls away from the game. Both were now on the bench while the rest of their friends played. Both sat down and were gloomy and moody. "Thanks a ton." the Echidna snarked. "Well if you didn't put your hands on me, we wouldn't be here would we?" Midnight snapped. "What's your problem?" she asked. "My problem is with you and everyone else in this damn town."

Realizing there was pain deep down in her heart, the echidna scooted over to get a better look. "I'm... I'm sorry you feel that way." she sighed. "Pft. Sure you are." Midnight scoffed. "What's your name? I'm Misty. Maybe we can start again?" Misty replied. Before she rejected, Midnight realized that she looked very much like another echidna she knew. "Wait a minute... Do you know a "Captain Knuckles?" Midnight asked curiously.

Misty was somewhat shocked that she knew but smiled and nodded her head. "Yes, I do! He's my dad actually!" she smiled happily. A lightbulb went off in Midnight's head, realizing the things she could do. "Well then, why don't we start over?"

Thrilled to hear her offer, both girls shook hands and smiled. But Misty was clueless about the trap she was lured into. When P.E. was over, all five met up now that school was over. They had to wait for someone to come get them to take them to their temporary housing. As they were waiting, Misty came up to them happily. "Hey, Midnight! Where are you guys off to?" Misty asked. All of her friends looked confused but she was determined to do things her way. "Oh, we're waiting for transportation to take us to another location. How about you?" Midnight asked.

"Oh! I'm waiting for my dad to come to get me! I'm hoping he won't take so long this time." she sighed. Right as she said that, a limo pulled up.

Out of the limo Knuckles stepped out with Silver accompanying him. "Misty! I'm here!" he shouted happily. Misty turned around and ran to her father and hugged him tightly. "You made it!" she cheered. "Of course I did!" Knuckles said, hugging her tightly. "You have a good day?" "Yeah! I even made new friends!" "Oh really? Who?" Not knowing what her father knew, Misty pointed to the five who were waiting on a bench together. Both Knuckles and Silver exchanged a wary glance.

Except, Knuckles didn't want to ruin this or cause problems. He swallowed nervously before patting Misty's head. "That's great! I'm proud of you." he sighed. "Thanks, Dad!" she smiled. "Hey, I hate to butt in, but have you seen Blizzard? I haven't seen him! He's usually not late." Silver asked. "Uhhhhh, probably in the library! Want me to get him?" Misty replied. "If you don't mind!"

With a smile, Misty ran back towards the building to go inside. Seeing their prize go inside, Midnight signaled for Fade and Mystic to follow her.

Inside the library, there were only two. One was a bright white hedgehog who only had minor tints of gray with flattened quills and golden eyes. The other was a cat who had a lighter shade of purple fur, a small red gem on her forehead, and bright blue eyes. "So, what makes you think the Chaos Emeralds are still out there?" Blizzard asked. "I just do. It'd be impossible for them not to be!" Ruby replied. "I don't understand. Shouldn't someone have found them by now?" Blizzard asked again. "Hm. Maybe the connection isn't as strong this time." Ruby suggested.

Both continued to look through their books and research. They were trying to find out what happened to the Chaos Emeralds ever since the raid. But they weren't having much luck. As they were reading some more, Misty walked into the room happily. "Ey, Blizzard! Ruby!" she greeted. Startled they both turned to see her walk up to them. "Oh, Misty! It's good to see you! Is everything good?" Ruby asked. "Same to you! Everything's great! But Blizzard, your dad was asking for you!" she replied cheerily.

"Whoops! Must've kept him waiting again! Anything else going on?" he replied as he packed his things. "Not really. Made friends with the new students!" Misty replied happily. "New students? I thought heard something about them." Ruby replied. "Oh yeah! They're... strange. But I think they must've been brought here for some reason." Misty replied.

"By reason, you mean forced." Fade snapped. They turned around and saw the two teens by the entrance. "Oh! Hey, Fade! Hey Mystic!" Misty greeted. Blizzard found both strange indeed and observed both of them. But Ruby on the other hand... Ruby couldn't keep her eyes off on Mystic who was looking away from her and in a different direction of the library. "Ruby. Ruby? RUBY!" Blizzard shouted at her, trying to get her attention. "Huh? Oh, um, yes?" "We're leaving now? You coming?" "Uh, yeah sorry!"

Together all four headed out and back into the front lawn where everyone else was waiting. Blizzard walked up to his dad happily and hugged him. "Sorry for the wait dad!" he apologized. "No worries! I knew you must've gotten caught up in those books." Silver chuckled. Misty and the others then walked back up to Knuckles who was waiting for them. "Alright, let's head back to your dorms. You've got a place to stay!" Knuckles replied.

The five groaned and decided to get back into the limo where everyone was ready to head back home.

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