Chapter 38

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Ivy was able to make it through the town away from all the creeps or random citizens in the streets who celebrated the night. She made it to where she knew Infinite had worked in the past and where Mystic would sing for crowds. Ivy saw the bright lights coming from the nightclub and tried her best to squeeze in through the crowds. Barely anyone noticed her as she tried her best to find her uncle in the large crowd.

Someone bumped her down the ground making her stumble and fall. She whimpered and looked up to see her uncle and his friends dancing on the stage. "MYSTIC!" she shouted helplessly. Of course, Mystic didn't hear her considering the music was loud. Thinking quickly, Ivy slinked throughout the crowd and found a different pathway.

Pushing past someone, she made it to the stairs, running up to him. "MYSTIC!" she shouted once more. This time, Mystic barely felt his ear twitch. He was confused and looked around the area. "Is something wrong?" Ruby asked him. "I... I'm not sure." he said and examined his surroundings. That's when his eyes landed on his little niece who was running up to him. Worriedly, he got down on his knees to pick her up as she raced to him with her arms stretched out wide. "Mystic!" she cried and hung on tight.

"Guys!" Mystic shouted to his friends. His friends noticed he had stopped. "Hey hey what's wrong?" he asked his niece who had a small tear prick her eye. "M-Mommy! She's in trouble along with Grandpa! Please you have to do something!" she cried. Mystic was confused and looked over at Midnight concerned. "What do you mean? Where's Lightning?!" he asked as his fear raised. "I-I don't know! She said she had to help grandpa with Mr. Jet! She sent me by myself! I'm scared!" she cried.

Hearing this news, Midnight's eyes widened. "My dad... I bet both of them went to see my dad. Diamond, call Fiona and everyone else who works there! Tell them to head to my dad's house! We've got a code Chaos!" she ordered. Diamond nodded and raced to tell the DJ to stop the music before racing over to the phone. The Mobians with them were confused by the commotion. They went over to Hunter who had psychic connections with his dad. "C'mon Hunter! Use your powers!" Astro pleaded. "I'm trying! Something's blocking our connections!" he said.

Then he was able to connect with his father briefly. "He's... He's fighting someone! Someone strong! And let's just say they're not doing so hot right now. We've got to do something!" Hunter cried. Diamond used the phone to call Fiona's workplace where Nick answered the phone. "Yo, how can I help you?" he asked casually. "Nick! Oh, thank god! We need your help! Our parents and maybe others are fighting Mobian intruders by Shadow's house! It's a code Chaos! We need everyone there! Hurry over to Shadow's house! I'm not sure how much time we have!" Nick gasped and looked over at Eggman.

He tapped his fingers anxiously. "We got you! Hang tight!" he declared and hung up the phone before heading downstairs. Those who hung out in their underground basement to interrupt their own celebration of Midnight's Coronation. "EVERYONE! EVERYONE LISTEN UP!" he shouted into the room. Heads turned to look at him for answers. "All forces to Shadow's house. A code Chaos has been issued."

The room was silent. Dead silent. The click of a gun cut through the silence. Fiona and Pistol stood together side by side. Hypno sneered as he came out of the dark. "I always knew Mobians were going to ruin everything one day. Don't just stand there! Move your asses!" she barked. All of them got up and gathered weapons and tools.

Some split into groups to head out to Shadow's home. Meanwhile, the Mobian's were holding up their own forces. Mephiles was doing his best to use his dark powers in order to keep the Mobians at bay. But he was struggling between Blaze using her firepower to weaken whatever ice had been sent out and Silver using his telekinesis to pry it apart. It had been forever since he used this much strength.

"Give up Mephiles! You won't win this time!" Silver shouted as he used his powers. Mephiles growled under his breath and felt his body giving up on him. I won't fail my family again. He thought to himself as he pushed back against Silver and Blaze who were trying their best to keep their own powers up. Seeing that they still weren't doing well, Amy summoned her hammer and jumped off of a box to bring it down on Mephiles who wasn't paying attention.

When he noticed he knew it was too late to do anything about it. He braced himself for impact. Amy suddenly felt herself being tackled to the hard cement that hadn't melted yet. As she could grasp what was happening, she saw a robot trying to pierce her. "AMY!" Sonic yelled as he spin-dashed into the robot that dodged his attack. Blaze saw what had happened and lost focus. Doing this allowed Mephiles to have an advantage point. He wrapped one of the shadowy tentacles around Blaze's throat and squeezed.

Alarmed, Blaze began gasping for air. "Blaze! UGH! LET GO OF HER!" Silver said using his powers to strike Mephiles. He fell back a little before releasing Blaze. He looked behind him. There were more robots coming to his aid. Further back he saw Fiona standing on top of a heap of trash. She fired her guns at the group. Everyone shrunk back. "Fiona. Should've known you would've shown up!" Mephiles chuckled. "Surprised you didn't invite me sooner!" she sneered. "I brought friends! Hope you're cool with that!" she sneered.

Nick, Pistol, and Hypno, all walked over with the rest of their gangs and machinery that would help them defeat the intruders. "Oh god... We're becoming outnumbered." Charmy realized. "We've gotta do something! Whatever they're doing in there can't be good!" Vector replied. "I'll head in. I'm the only one who has the power from the Master Emerald. I just need someone to clear a path!" Knuckles told them. "Already on it!" Espio told him as he jumped up into the air. He threw knives at the robots that merely pierced them.

"Don't leave me out of this!" Amy laughed as she drew her hammer once more. "Are we really dealing with Mobian rats? How pathetic." Fiona growled. "She's all yours!" Mephiles sneered. "Such a gentleman! Get 'em!" Fiona said, motioning for everyone to charge her rivals.

They obeyed and headed out to battle them. Knuckles, Espio, and Tails tried their best to clear a path for them to head down.

Inside the house, Whisper and Gadget were managing to handle Infinite just fine. Considering his power wasn't as strong as it used to be, he was struggling to maintain strong illusions. Whisper used her wisp gun to fire them at her opponent. Gadget had his own weapons made for combat. "We've almost got him!" Gadget said as he brought down the jackal. Just before he could make the final shot, something fired into his flank sending him flying back. "GADGET!"

Looking away, she didn't see that Infinite sent her flying back too. Both of them were pushed up against a wall. Then there was laughter. "C'mon dad, don't tell me you were about to lose to these guys!" Lightning had an evil grin on her face as Infinite growled softly and stood up. "I was getting there. Surprised you even saved me." he huffed.

"Well, you have been there more than she has." Lightning snarled. Infinite looked over to see who she was talking about. Whisper's eyes widened in fear of seeing the scene. Infinite felt his eyes doing the same. He looked away briefly. Gadget caught his breath. Hang in there Whisp... "Don't blame her! Lightning please, don't do this!" Lightning gnashed her teeth in Whisper's face before picking her up by the collar. "Don't give me that. You asked for this the minute you and your reject friends came into town. You don't know anything about us. But you will!"

Digging her claws into her shoulder, Whisper growled right back flipping her daughter over her shoulder. Lightning caught herself and faced her mother that tackled her, sending them both right out of the window. "WHISPER!" Gadget shouted. He turned to face the black and white jackal that began laughing lowly. "Well... guess it's just you and me!"

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