Chapter 8

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When they were gone the five teens were left with the others who turned to look at the others. "I don't think we met yet. I'm Ruby, this is my best friend Blizzard, and this is my little sister Melany!" Ruby greeted reaching out to shake hands with Midnight. Taking one more look, Midnight and the others burst out laughing. "I know you! You're the little rat I dumped milk on the other day!" Midnight taunted before laughing again. "Honestly, you really thought you could scare us away?"

Feeling her emotions boil, Melany began to charge right at her before Blizzard grabbed her. "Woah! Cool it!" he cried. "Uh, yes. She is apparently." Ruby began. "That's not nice of you to do that." she added. "THaT's nOt NiCe of YoU to Do tHat! Tell that to your bitchy sister who called us freaks in the first place!" Fade snapped, coming to Midnight's defense.

Considering this was the first time they all met up with the teens, it was a surprise. "I thought you said they were cool Misty?" Hunter whined. "They are! They just... have a hard time showing it." Misty replied. "Okay, look, we don't want any trouble from you. Our parents told us that we're going to show you around town. Can we at least get through today?" Ruby asked somewhat annoyed.

Tapping on her chin, Midnight finally flipped her quills and nodded. "Fine. No promises though!" she chuckled. "So where are you taking us, officer? To get our nails done?" Diamond mocked. "Uh, actually, no! We're going shopping first today!" Typhoon said happily. "S-Shopping? What's that?" Smoke asked. "You don't know what shopping is? Have you been living under a rock?" Sunny questioned harshly. "No, we haven't fox." Mystic growled. "So what is this "shopping" you want to do?" Midnight wondered. "Well, it's almost- it's kind of like- oh just come with me. It's better to show you guys," she sighed. Everyone followed behind her and off into the city streets.


Together as a group, they walked into a little clothing shop. Blinded by how bright the colors were, the five misfits groaned and looked away briefly. "You okay?" Misty asked Midnight. "Oh, we're fine. We've just never been around so many... pretty-pretty princess junk." she groaned. "It's not really princess junk. It's some really nice clothing here! You'll love it!"

Everyone went their separate ways trying to look for something to wear. Diamond and Fade looked around one section together. "Oooh! Look at these earrings! Aw, they are just gorgeous! Mom was so right! Sapphires do go with my eyes!" Diamond awed as she held a pair to her ears in front of a mirror. "True to that. I will say maybe these sunstones will do better." Fade remarked holding up a second pair.

Smoke and Mystic walked around another part where there were multiple leather jackets. "At least they got one thing right here." Mystic said, pulling a jacket off its rack. Smoke looked at a pair of boots and picked them up. "Dude, they're just like the ones Fade's dad wears!" he gasped, falling in love with the shoes. "Tell me, how well does this look?" Mystic asked him, carefully adjusting the jacket.

"Not bad Mystic, not bad! You haven't looked this good since your dad let you get your fur dyed!" Smoke said. "Heh, you're not wrong. This isn't too bad. Let's go ask the others." he replied.

All the while, Midnight wasn't sure what she was really looking for. She looked at the clothes but most of them were too brightly colored for her taste. Continuing to look around, she sighed and turned her head slightly. And that's when something captured her eye.

 And that's when something captured her eye

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