Chapter 35

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Finally ready to head back out into the open field, Lightning and Jet looked around making sure the coast was clear. "Alright, we've gotta keep moving. I heard the ceremony was taking place pretty far from where we are right now." Jet told them. Everyone nodded and followed him out into the streets. To their surprise, everywhere they went, the streets were crowded with tons of citizens who rushed through the streets.

Even the town was changing rapidly. They set up decorations, flags were set up with pictures of crowns on them, and kids ran around with spray paint cans. "Wow... they're starting earlier than I thought. No matter, we're getting close thankfully." Jet said. As most of the group ran ahead, Sonic and Knuckles stayed behind to talk quietly. "We've gotta do something about this ceremony thing Knucks! If they have those Chaos Emeralds, something bad is clearly about to happen and it won't be good for Mobius." Sonic said.

Knuckles sighed thinking they were overreacting. "You have a point. Thankfully I sent a message to Queen Elise and Tangle. They said they'd send an army down our way if I pushed a button on my watch. But we need to wait until there isn't any real danger." he explained. Sonic nodded. "I suppose you're right. We'll have to keep moving if we're going to find them. Thankfully nothing's happened yet. So... we shouldn't rush." Knuckles replied.

While they hurried throughout the town, Midnight's carriage was already getting towards the entrance of the meeting place. Her attenders approached the carriage door and assisted Midnight out carefully. Guards circled around her and walked at her pace into the meeting place. As she walked inside she was greeted by tons of attendees to the ceremony and a few citizens who were allowed to see her become the next Queen.

She was escorted into another room where she was supposed to wait until it actually started. "I can't believe this is actually happening. This can't be real. I mean, you're here, I'm not dreaming am I?" Midnight asked Reaper. Reaper squeaked and shook his head. "Aw! That's the first time I've heard you do that. I guess there's a cute side to every deadly thing." Midnight awed and gently stroked her Chao friend.

Reaper snarled before gently nuzzling her. She looked in the mirror in the room and inspected every inch of herself. "This is it. No more being a bitch about life. I did all of this for a reason. My dad wanted all of this for a reason. We needed something to give us hope. And that's exactly what I did for us. So... You gonna be ready for whatever Dark Side has to throw at me?" Midnight stated. Reaper snickered and chewed. "Yeah, I thought so! Hopefully, my friends are already in the audience. I don't want anything to go wrong today. I just want it to be right so everyone can see that I can do this." Midnight told him.

As she waited, everyone outside in the ceremony room, was ready to watch the events unfold. The five leaders waited up at the front in order to approve of this. Midnight's friends sat in the front row to watch the blessing of the next Queen. "Oh my gosh! This is awesome!" Diamond squealed. "Ugh! I just wanna go to the buffet!" Smoke whined, slumping down in his chair. "Oh quit your whining! This is Night's ceremony!" Fade snapped. "Besides, it'll be over quickly. There's the ceremony, the banquet, and then the big dance. It'll be fine." Mystic replied.

"I just hope Midnight is not freaking out too much." Fade added. Four gang leaders of the town surrounded the entrance where Midnight would walk out. They bowed before drawing back the curtains. "Stand up. For the daughter of Dark Side has arrived." they ordered. Everyone obeyed him and looked their way. Midnight was revealed to the crowd, all of them lifting their weapons into the air to show their alliance.

She held herself together and walked straight up to her father and the others. Deep down she was nervous but refused to show it. The Mobians in the crowd gasped. "It's just like Queen Elise's ceremony!" Typhoon whispered. "I can't believe we actually get to witness this!" Astro gasped. "This is so cool!" added Melany. "Shh! It's happening!" Ruby exclaimed as Midnight reached the stand.

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