Chapter 54

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Mephiles continued to draw and sketch on the paper that he had. He hardly slept and was trying to think about leaving the area. One thing that kept him motivated was to see his friends and Smoke again. Being trapped in a tiny space felt way too familiar for him. As he finished a sketch he heard the door buzz before opening up. To his surprise, he saw Silver walk in shyly, his ears pinned to his head. He put the pencil down and looked away from him. At one point, he looked at Silver with a glare. The cat-like eyes only thinned as a cold chill filled the room making his visitor shudder.

"This better be worth it." he growled, moving the sketchbook to the side. Silver stepped towards him nervously and sighed. "Listen, Mephiles... I've... I've been thinking a lot lately... I... I wanted to say... I'm sorry." Mephiles' ears perked but didn't change his gaze.

"I realize... I realize that... you've been through a lot. Way more than what I can tell from here. I don't know anything about how you feel. I wish I could make it better. But I can't take any of it back no matter how badly I want to. I just knew you needed to hear it from me. I want to make it right between us Mephiles. Please... believe me I'm not doing this for any other reason other than to make up for mistakes..."

Raising an eyebrow, Mephiles gave him a look. "I'm not sure if I believe that." he huffed and returned to drawing. Silver's ears folded even tighter against his skull as the shame fueled his body and he held himself. "I have been through a lot. Most of it is because of you and those others that thought we wouldn't be made about what you have done. Now you think "I'm sorry" and a few words of fake feelings will fix everything? What a moron."

Silver shook his head and approached him. "I mean every word! The fact that you can't understand that is really annoying! I swear to god you never listen!" he ranted, approaching him quickly. Mephiles held out his hand, stopping Silver with the little power he had left. Silver couldn't move away from his spot as the Dark Entity stood up out of bed to approach him. "Hedgehog, you do too much. I've been silenced since the day you banished me to my home and you have the nerve to tell me to listen? Tsk. You're truly a disappointment to your town," Mephiles began.

"Imagine your whole life, you've been told you can't have another chance because you're seen as this hideous being with no heart. You've been treated differently even after you told everyone out there that you have changed for the better. Except... after all that work that's been accomplished for yourself and for the rest of your friends, you are still treated differently. No matter how much you change, it's still the same. Please don't act like you know what life is like for any of us. I've suffered much more than one probably should. I didn't think I'd ever have to see your ugly face again. I haven't had a chance at life even once. I've been ugly and born to be a slave to evil in our world. Yet ever since I discovered a new way of life I've been trying to change for the better. Except for every single time, someone like you would shut me down to ensure that I never got those chances. And because of that, now my own children and my friends' children have to pay the price. For what? Because of mistakes, I made ages ago?"

Silver untensed in his spot hearing every word Mephiles was telling him. "I hate it here... I'm away from my son who I hadn't seen in months. Now... I probably won't ever see him again because of what you guys think about us. Overreacting to our own events. I'm not sure how the hell I'm supposed to move forward from there."

The cell went utterly silent. "The pain I experienced while out here and back home is something I'll never be able to explain. The pain I wish I could forget." Silver realized the amount of pain he was feeling after his power loosened away from his ankles. Realizing this, Silver carefully approached Mephiles. Then without thinking about it, he wrapped his arms around his rival without much thought. Instantly the Dark force relaxed and was amazed at what was happening.

Together they remained in their spot. Silver's arms remained around Mephiles' waist. Mephiles didn't move but he felt a slight heat in his cheeks. He didn't move. He was confused and conflicted about how to feel. Nothing about this should've been okay. But he didn't mind it at all. It made him warm up on this inside just a bit. "Mephiles if you knew how much I wanted to fix everything in the beginning I would've told you a long time ago. I didn't want to hurt anyone let alone someone who's endured enough as it is. It would be best if you weren't a prisoner any longer. I am sorry for all I've done. Please... give me a chance..."

Feeling the tension in his arms settle down, Mephiles allowed his body to accept the emotions that he was feeling. This definitely wasn't anything that Silver would've done for him years ago. Eventually, his anger dissolved and he turned around to see the Albino face to face.

"I'll give you a chance. But if you screw it up, I don't care what excuse you have up your ass. I'll do as I please and I won't look back. Do you understand?"

Silver quickly nodded his head and understood. "Trust me Mephiles, I plan to make it right."

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