Chapter 17

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So the festivities begin!

All five were brought to the event venture, the big ball was beginning. The limo driver opened the door and assisted each one out of the vehicle. "Here we are, you're company will be here shortly." he said to the five.

Each one walked up the stairs, looking at all the crowds of citizens who had already arrived. "Woah, I did not expect this." Midnight gasped. "Oh, it can't be that bad! C'mon, I heard the others are here!" Smoke urged. When they walked inside the huge place, everything was unlike they had ever seen before. There were pretty chandeliers, tables with tons of food, all the citizens in fancy clothing, and there was a throne at the very back, made of gold with diamonds, and a widespread ballroom. "Woah... this is... amazing..." Midnight gasped.

Some looked over at the teens with unwelcoming glances. But others shrugged it off and didn't give it much thought. "Midnight!" a voice greeted. It was Misty, waving and trying to get her attention. "Oh, Misty! It's good to see a familiar face! This place is so big. I didn't know this was gonna be a huge party." Midnight replied. "Oh yeah! It's gonna be awesome! Queen Elise plans to come out soon to oversee all of us!" Misty added.

As they talked with Misty, Typhoon and Melany looked over and saw the rest of the group. Still mad at the fact that Mystic was dating her older sister. "Hey, you gotta be cool tonight. I mean, every now and again they can be jerks. But they've gotten much better! Even you have to admit that!" Typhoon reassured. Melany rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, then looked over the five who laughed and cheered with more of her friends that showed up.

Another minute or two and she finally took a deep breath. "Fine! I'll deal with it! But don't expect me to like it." she snapped, walking away from Typhoon and heading off to talk with Hannah and Sunny. Typhoon sighed and decided to join his new friends. Even though they were once mean to him, he learned to like them as someone he could trust.

It was only a couple of hours into the evening after the party started. Dinner, fine drinks, and desserts were placed among the many crowds of citizens who had shown up for the special occasion. Everyone was having a good time, eating and socializing. While most of the teens sat together, most of the Council was there at their own table, who were also joined with Gadget, Whisper, and Sally. "Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I am stuffed!" Vector sighed as he leaned back in his chair. "I have to agree it was a delicious dinner!" Cream chimed, wiping her mouth with her cloth napkin. "It's been a really nice evening overall. I'm glad you're all here!" Knuckles added. "I couldn't imagine any event without you guys there!" Tails replied.

"Honestly, I'm just glad I can celebrate with you guys! Everything's amazing! You absolutely planned out the whole thing well Amy and Blaze!" Charmy acknowledged. But when he tried to reach out, both were not paying attention, and continuously picked at their food or stirred their drink. "Hey, Ames, you good?" Sonic asked. "Same for you Blaze. You both have been rather quiet this evening." Espio added. Amy didn't say anything but Blaze eventually cleared her throat and placed her fork down neatly. "I mean, it's rather silly! But... lately, our dear Ruby... has fallen in love with... a certain someone." she replied, looking over at the table where the teens sat.

Once they looked over at the table, they understood what she was trying to say. "Ah. Well, I can't say I'm surprised. Both of our children have decided to take an interest in the dark gray hedgehog and the bat." Espio replied, holding Vector's hand as he gave a low hiss. "I could say the same for Catrina. She's going out with Fade. I'm assuming she's the one in the blue dress." Sally replied, pointing to her. "From what I remember, they were nothing but devils. They ruined the daycare. I spent weeks cleaning the crud they made." Whisper growled.

"It's been a mess all over. Everyone's still surprised that they aren't wreaking havoc. Especially after so many expenses had to be paid over." Gadget added. "To be honest... knowing their parents... I'm surprised worse hasn't happened." Sonic added, his face leaning against his face. For a moment everyone was silent, they weren't really sure what to say. "Well... you guys can say whatever you want but... at least... at least you don't have to deal with your own kid choosing the daughter of the Ultimate Lifeform..." Silver sighed.

Most of them briefly paused, shocked about hearing what he just said. "W-Wait wait! Blizzard chose..." Amy began before trailing off.

Somewhat upset, Silver nodded his head and sighed. Once again it was quiet. 

But out of defense of the teens, Cream slammed her napkin on the table. "Oh for crying out loud! Those kids were raised someplace we would've never approved of! It's not their fault! Shadow and those other hooligans were already in a jam when we decided to divide both sides! Judging them doesn't make us better! It just makes us look stupid! So, please! Give them all a chance!" she cried.

Surprised by her sudden outburst, they briefly nodded and agreed. "She's right. We don't know what's gonna happen until it actually happens." Amy replied.

Calmed down and relaxed, a small chorus of music began to play within the room. Everyone knew what that meant. They stood up, back straight, and looked up in the front. "Ladies and Gentlemen, may I please announce her Majesty's arrival. I give you, Queen Elise." an announcer greeted the crowd. After he said those words, everyone bowed and barely looked up. Queen Elise walked out into the room, her long robe dragging behind her. She dipped her head to the crowd and then carefully sat down.

When she sat down, so did they. "My lovely people, I am pleased to say that Mobius is doing well over the past few weeks! It's hard to believe that we've been going strong with our lovely town for 10 years! So will everyone raise a glass with me and cheer for 10 years of good health!" she addressed her crowd, lifting up a champagne glass. Everyone lifted their glasses and cheered with each other.

Queen Elise rose once more and looked into the crowd. "And I have one more thing to celebrate this evening. Will Midnight, Smoke, Diamond, Fade, and Mystic please come up to the front?" she asked curiously. All five were very confused why they were being called up. They hadn't done anything wrong that they know of. When they got to the front, they respectfully bowed and looked up.

"Many of you know about these five. I know they weren't exactly pleasant when they arrived. But I think we can all agree that they have improved so much lately. And I am pleased to say they have truly shown me that everyone deserves a second chance! I am proud to have them a part of our community. So, will you five do my the honors and kneel?" she announced. The five obliged and knelt down. A servant walked up with a sword on a velvet pillow. "I, Queen Elise, with the power invested in my sword, pronounce you all, true citizens of Mobius! Consider yourselves an ally amongst the Council!" she cheered. All five stood up and looked all around them as the crowds of citizens cheered.

Midnight looked over at Blizzard who clapped and smiled warmly at her. While she was very happy about this, Midnight wondered in the back of her mind if her father would even approve of this. Would he look down on her? Probably not... but... maybe so...

Even with that, she wasn't going to let that ruin her mood. She smiled along with her friends who celebrated with each other. But just as it was going so well, someone had to ruin it.


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