Chapter 24

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Ruby, intimidated by this scary figure, backed away timidly. "S-Stay away!" she hissed, a flame barely forming in her hand. Infinite came walking towards them. He walked right past Ruby and headed right towards Mystic. Facing the one thing that made his entire life possible, Mystic hit the floor and bowed. "Father... I have returned! I apologize for being away for so long. I promise I have returned for good." Mystic reassured.

A heavy sigh came from Infinite as he looked at his son. "Get. Up." he barked. Instantly, Mystic was on his feet. Ruby feared for her love's life but was stunned at what happened. Right as he got up, Infinite pulled his son in for a hug. This was nothing like Infinite. In fact, it was completely out of character.

"My precious child... I was worried!" he cried. Mystic relaxed as his father barely loosened his grip on him. "What took you so long?" he sighed. "I'm sorry... it took us longer than we thought it would... but, we didn't fail! I promise you!" Infinite shook his head and just stared into his son's eyes. "I don't care anymore..." he reassured him.

When both of them shared that tender moment, Ruby got a closer look. Then it struck her. One day when she and Blizzard were in class doing a project on past villains. They read about history within a book in the library. She remembered a specific chapter on Infinite. His picture was printed in the stories and everything.

But she couldn't say anything. She could expose herself and everyone else with them. "Son... all I can say is... I'm sorry... I promised your mother so much... but all I did was disappoint her... I'm sorry and... hearing you sing... reminded me of your mother..." he sobbed, holding Mystic close. "Dad... it's okay..." Mystic reassured.

Once they were sure everything was settled, Ruby looked behind her to see the rest of her friends coming up to her. "Mystic!" Diamond cheered running up to hug her friend. "We thought you ditched us, man!" Smoke chuckled. "Nah, I'm just happy we're home!" he replied. "Oh, I missed home more than I realized." Midnight sighed. "I think we all did." Fade added. As they released each other from their hug, they turned around and saw Infinite standing there, his ears down, and looked at them pitifully. "Oh! Mr. Infinite!" Smoke cried and quickly bowed.

The rest of his friends looked at him annoyed. Mystic finally kicked Smoke to get him to quit. "Trust me, there's no need for that. I'm just happy you're all home. We've been awfully worried about every single one of you." he replied.

Ruby relaxed a bit more as she and her friends walked up to her. "Dad... I'm sorry this visit was only so brief. But I have to help my friends out. You know as well as I do that the others aren't doing well at all." Mystic replied. Infinite nodded his head and smiled at him underneath his mask. "I know son. That's why I'm not going to stop you! Please come back soon." he said happily. "Don't worry, you know we will! Any clues to help us find the others?"

"Well, you know Mephiles, he's... hiding. Then Scrouge, I don't know. You could try Eggman's. That's where he's been staying lately. And Shadow... I wouldn't know. He only really talks to Rouge and even now that only communication has weakened." Infinite replied. "Thanks, dad."

After another hug, they looked at each other and nodded. Before completely running off, they grabbed their other friends to keep going. Infinite smiled faintly, knowing his son was leaving once more. But Mystic turned around and quickly ran back to give one last hug. "I promise I'll be back dad. I promise. Thank you for everything. I'll make you proud." he reassured. "I'm already so proud." Infinite sighed.

One last smile and Mystic ran after his friends. "Good luck kid..." he whispered.


At another secluded part of town, everyone stopped in a remote place and relaxed. As they settled, all five of the teens stared at their lovers and friends. Midnight was the first one to rage. "Okay, what the hell! Why are you here? Do you realize how dangerous it is here?!" Midnight shouted at them. "Look... we just wanted you guys to come home! C'mon... it's not safe here!" Blizzard cried. "Ugh! You seriously don't get it do you?" Diamond snapped. "We couldn't just let you go just like that! What happened the other night wasn't right! But that doesn't mean you guys don't belong at our home!" Misty cried.

"We all want you guys to come back! We'll do whatever we can to make sure something like that never happens again!" Ruby promised. "To be honest, we're surprised you've lasted so long! Do you not notice all the crazies around here?!" Finn cried. "No shit we notice! We've lived here for crying out loud!" Smoke growled back. "Please! Come back home with us! It'll be better!" Hunter promised.

Fade huffed at them and turned her back. "You guys seriously don't understand us. We don't belong there! You have all these expectations and rules that take away who we are!" Mystic snarled. His attention then turned to Blizzard. "Your town made my sister cry! What happened to you guys when that Wolf was bad-mouthing us and our parents! Enough is enough! I don't want to hear it from any of you! We're done! Just go home! Where you belong anyway!" Mystic shouted angrily and began to storm off.

Their friends were shocked, unable to believe what they heard. Right then Hunter barely walked towards them. "Please! We didn't mean for things to get this out of hand! D-Diamond! You know I wouldn't want this for you!" Hunter pleaded. Diamond rolled her eyes and approached him. "Where were you when we were getting bashed in front of everyone?" she asked him, shrugging her shoulders. "I'm sorry, but you've gotta go." she declared, walking after Mystic.

"Smoke! You can't be serious! You're gonna stay?!" Finn questioned frantically. "Hell yeah, I am. My family's here. My dad needs me. And for once in my life, I've decided I don't need someone to back me up." he snapped, walking off. Catrina then raced over to Fade and touched her shoulder. "Fade, this is ridiculous! Just come home and we can sort it out!" Catrina demanded. Fade shoved her off roughly, pushing her to the ground. "Fuck off. I don't need you. Never once did you think about what's good for me or my friends. You're too worried about what your mom will do. Good luck getting out." Fade replied, stomping off.

All of them stood in place, wondering what was gonna happen next. Blizzard gently approached her, putting his hand on her shoulder. Almost instantly Midnight brushed him off. "Night... please..." he urged. "No. They're right. We never belonged. You turned us into something we weren't. I won't let that happen to us or my town again. We can manage on our own. Now you guys have to as well." she responded. Gently she cradled Reaper in her arms as he fell asleep from the commotion.

"Besides, I have more than one to look out for. Try not to get lost." she added before walking away. There they stood.

In the middle of the worst town they know.

And there was only one way back.

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