Chapter 37

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Shadow and Scourge were doing their best to handle the energy inside of them without losing control of it. Though it was challenging, they were doing their best to keep it up. The beam only glowed brighter throughout the place where almost everyone outside of their homes or out of the buildings could see. Many began cheering and shouting in glee for the rise of a new home.

The Mobians however began to panic. "Calling for backup!" Blaze said sending a fire spell into the air alerting those at home.

In their own town, Queen Elise and Tangle the Lemur looked out of their window to see the spell. She knew what that met. "Ready the troops, gather the army, tell everyone to go into their homes and lock all the doors... then we storm the town we've done everything to do to stay away..." she ordered. Tangled saluted. "Yes, your majesty! We're on it!" Tangle said. Everyone in the army prepared themselves, gathering their weapons, helping citizens get home, and standing at the edge of the town.

Tangle waved her around in a circle alerting the army of when they were about to storm the area. "C'mon guys! Let's move out!" she shouted to them. They saluted her before running after her and into the other town after many of them were flown out or teleported there. They stormed into the town wondering if they would make it out alive. As they ran along, Tangle pressed buttons on her watch that rang straight to Sonic. Sonic noticed the call and answered.

"Tangle! What's your status?" he asked. "I've got the whole army coming in our direction. Be prepared! I'm not sure what we're facing but I can tell this can't be good. We're all surrounding the area. We're ready to attack at any given signal you give us!" she replied.

His friends heard the news and nodded to one another. "Sounds good! Hurry though! We're heading to storm the area." he said before ending the call. The group ran towards the house where Shadow was. Lightning exchanged a look with Jet and her daughter Ivy. "Hey, Ivy... Look at me... Do you know where Grandpa Infinite works? The same place where Uncle Mystic sings on the stage?" she asked her. Ivy nodded timidly. "Listen, I need you to find your uncle. Tell him grandpa is in trouble along with the out other leaders. I need you to go to their so I can help Jet settle the debt I owe him. Do you understand?" Lightning instructed.

Overall Ivy understood as she nodded hesitantly. For the first time in a while, Lightning smiled. She kissed Ivy's head and nudged her to go. "Be safe. Do not go with anyone else!" she growled once more. "Yes, mama!" Ivy shouted as she began running. Jet looked at her surprised not sure of what to think. "Settle our debt?" he asked. "For backstabbing you... I'm sorry. I didn't want any more trouble for my kid than she was already in. We have to stop them. Infinite, Rouge, and Mephiles aren't as strong as they used to be. Shadow and Scourge are performing their spell. We've gotta make sure they aren't stopped so they can finish establishing Dark Side."

Jet nodded his head and motioned for them to run along quickly behind the Mobians who were unaware of the conversation that went down. Shadow and Scourge still glowed brightly as their altered colored quills radiated from the Chaos Emeralds. They struggled to keep it together trying to spread the energy across the land. It was going very slowly. The power touched the hard rock cement outside turning it to soft dirt that sprouted grass and flowers. The first hints of life seen in years.

Rouge, Mephiles, and Infinite struggled to hold onto anything feeling the full force of the magic being blown against them. "COME ON! KEEP PUSHING! WE'VE MADE IT THIS FAR!" Shadow shouted to Scourge. "SHADOW OUR ENERGY MIGHT DRAIN!" Scourge shouted. He was right. Looking down at his wrists, Shadow snapped off his inhibitor rings that only added more power to their struggle. It started spreading faster as they had more power over them.

Plants began to grow out from the ground, the water began to turn a sparkly blue, the buildings' mold shrank away along with disgusting insects that crawled, and everyone around them began feeling healthier. Rouge looked out the window to see all of this. "OH MY GOSH! IT'S WORKING!" she shouted to them. The two hedgehogs looked at each other pridefully knowing that their dreams were coming true.

The Mobians were too concerned about stopping them to see that any of this is going on. As they approached the house, many of them paused to see what was in front of them. "Oh my god... I didn't think the Chaos Emeralds were capable of this much!" Tails awed.

"Well, it's no wonder why everyone wanted to get their hands on this much power! It was always so unpredictable!" Silver noted. "We've got to figure out the best way to stop this!" Blaze replied. Tails flew up as Whisper and Gadget began to jump up to try and spring a surprise. Knuckles ran straight to the door punching it making it fall to the ground. The crash was so loud that Mephiles heard it from downstairs. "Uh oh... I think we've company..." he said. Rouge and Infinite exchanged a look. "What do we do?" Rouge asked. "Stay here... I'll deal with it." Mephiles instructed as he sank into the ground through the shadows.

Infinite huffed under his breath and readjusted his mask. "Stay here. That fool's going to need my help whether he likes it or not. We shouldn't have much trouble. But stay here. They're going to need you if something goes wrong." he said and ran up the stairs to the main living room. Rouge stood there looking at Shadow and Scourge who struggled to maintain control over their powers.

Knuckles entered the house questioning where to go. Suddenly, Mephiles appeared from the shadows and looked him dead in the eyes. "Well well, isn't this a surprise!" Mephiles said, his voice echoing throughout the room. Slowly but surely he managed to push them out of the house. No one was backing down though. Silver stepped in front of Mephiles readying his powers for the worst. "I defeated you once, I can do it again!" he proclaimed. "Then bring it on weakling! I've been ready for a rematch for years now!"

Blaze, Sonic, and Tails joined his side ready to fight him. Mephiles used his own powers to bring out the darkness that came out in every direction, wrapping them in black shadowy tentacles.  They struggled as Silver broke them free from the grasp. He lunged at his rival the two flying back as Mephiles was able to send blasts towards the others.

Whisper and Gadget who had reached the top of the roof broke into a weakened spot in order to crawl inside. As they did, they were met face to face with Infinite. "I have to admit. I never thought I'd see either of you like this again." he growled, activating his power. Whisper and Gadget started their weapons to fire at him. "Too bad I won't let you live long to tell the tale!" he declared readying his power once more.

The two were taken off guard unable to comprehend what was going on. "We've gotta slow them down! Come on Whisper!" Gadget said taking the lead. "Got it!" she replied as they jumped up to take down Infinite.

It was only a matter of time from here.

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