Chapter 290: The Festival of Hearts (pt. V)

Start from the beginning

Said Grey, his eyes then shifting towards the open balcony just a couple dozen steps away. There were no other people around, only the night lights of the city to be seen as far as the eyes can see, a sea of colorful lights from afar.

"Shall we, Milady?" [Yuna]

"Fufufu! I'll be in your care, Sir Grey." [Grey]

Grey extended his hands out and Yuna accepted with grace. Escaping from the busy world of aristocracy, Grey and Yuna then took their leave, heading towards the lonely balcony for a breath of fresh air, chilly winds welcoming them warmly.

The view from the balcony was magnificent, gentle light seeping through the large windows, velvet curtains hanging down gently, and the people laughing merrily. The refreshing breeze blowing from outside was a remedy to revitalize the soul.

It had just been a couple moments since they stepped out yet Grey and Yuna already felt much better. They could even close the curtains and not a single soul would mind them. They felt like birds who just regained their wings.

"Haah... The wind feels so amazing..." [Yuna]

Said Yuna as she felt the wind run throughout the night, caressing her skin with light and gentle touch as she spread her arms openly. A sight which only served to make Grey chuckle, once again thinking how adorable his fiancée was.

"Hahaha. You look so silly right now." [Grey]

"Mou... You don't have to rebuke me every single time, you know..." [Yuna]

"Hm? But I'm just admiring how cute and lovely my fiancée is though? Is there something wrong with that?" [Grey]

"No, nothing... It just feels like you're making fun of me again... You always make me blush as if it's no one's business... Is it really that fun teasing me?" [Yuna]

"Hmm... Who knows... Maybe, maybe not..." [Grey]

Softly, sighed Grey as he bent over, resting his arms atop the balcony balustrade as his eyes gazed towards his beloved. The gentle moonlight had once illuminated her figure, reminding him of the time he realized his for her.

It has been almost four years since they first met, and though it wasn't the best way to meet someone, it was also when their fates intertwined. He still couldn't believe the girl she once saved was now his fiancée. He couldn't help but feel happy.

"Grey, you're smiling..." [Yuna]

"Oh, am I?" [Grey]

"Un, you are. You're thinking of something mean again, aren't you?" [Yuna]

Well, no matter how beautiful the past was, the present before him was even more so. It was a life he wouldn't exchange for anything else. Even if he had to challenge the whole world for it, he would happily do so.

The winds continued to blow and the leaves continued to rustle. As the night went on, so did the ball. Yuna soon leaned her head on Grey's wide shoulder, her hand now holding Grey's tightly as they enjoyed the wonderful scenery together.

"My, my, what a lovely couple we have here," [Richter]

And just as they enjoyed each other's company, a familiar gentle voice rang out from behindー or rather from above. The Azure Sword Emperor then descended from the rooftops, landing whilst barely making a sound.

"It seems you're also taking a break, Lord Grey, Lord Yuna." [Richter]

"Yes, we are. How about Your Majesty?" [Grey]

"Hahaha. I was just enjoying the view from the rooftop, and just happened to find a lovely pair who were resting together... I'm not intruding on you, am I?" [Richter]

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