Chapter 21

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Bodies were everywhere. Some were running, others were screaming, and some were colliding into each other. Despite all of the chaos that was going on around her, Mira could only focus on one thing. Xander.

He took a step back to stabilize himself from the blow but held his ground. Governor Bjorn took a step back and shifted into a huge brown furred Grizzly. Xander ripped the ax out of his shoulder and shifted as well.

A few warriors followed suit and shifted as well. Soon there were Grizzlies ripping other Grizzlies apart and men battling other men. The scene was so chaotic and powerful, Mira froze in shock.

Samuel had disappeared from her side so she was all alone in this sea of blood and battle. Mira sank down on her hands and knees all while struggling to snap back into reality.

In a sea of running and moving bodies one stood still and that sight caught her attention. Frida, the old lady that had been helping her the past few days. Frida stood with her back up against a tree. She looked very confused and overwhelmed.

Finally reality hit Mira, she stood up and bolted through the bodies. "Frida!!" She grabbed Frida's arm to get her attention. "Come with me! It's not safe for you here." She started to gently pull the old lady along. Luckily her cabin was away from the war so she headed there.

The battle could be heard and was still raging on when they reached her cabin. Mira opened the front door and guided Frida inside.

"Alright you hide in here until it's over okay?" Mira said and started to back away.

"Come with me deary. You will be safe with me." Frida beckoned Mira to join her.

Mira bit her lip. Hiding with her would definitely be the safest choice but she couldn't do that. Not when everyone else was risking their life out there.

"I can't. I have to help."

"Child, in what way can you help?"

"In any way I can, I suppose. I will see you after all of this." Mira started to walk away.

"Are you sure? About choosing him?" Frida called out after her.

Such a specific and odd question brought her to a halt. Mira knew what she was asking but how she knew what she knew confused her. There was no time now and she would just have to ask Frida later how she knew that. "Well no one can really be sure about anything in life before we choose it now can we? I may not be sure about him but I'm sure about my decision for him." Mira smiled softly and her cheeks turned pink since it was the first time she voiced her feelings out loud.

Frida only nodded. "May the gods be with you...Mira-Jane."

Mira smiled again and took off. Think Mira, Think. The trucks. They have weapons. I will go there first. Mira started sprinting as fast as she could to the trucks.

She climbed in the back of one and heaved the wooden box's top open. The box was filled with axes, knives, and a couple short spears. She decided to grab a few short spears and knives.

In her peripheral vision she saw someone was approaching. It was a warrior from Creekside and he looked pissed. Mira shoved the nervousness in facing someone one on one and got ready to fight.

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