Chapter 25

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The next day was a bright and sunny autumn day. Most of the Grizzlies went out but Xander and a few stayed back. The rest continued to go through the territories, searching for clues to find the rebels. Everyday a few stayed in the village to help them have a sure enough stock of everything for winter. Winter's were apparently cruel and brutal up here.

"Hey I brought you some water. You look a bit parched." Mira approached Xander as he was chopping wood. Xander paused and took the cup she offered and drank it.

"Thanks. What are you up to?"

Mira sat down on a log with the empty cup as he continued with his work. "Mary and I are going to take the cubs to the field to play ball. The weather is really nice today so school is letting out early so the cubs can enjoy the day." Mira watched him swing the ax and split the wood with ease. He was shirtless and his toned body was on full display. His arms flexed with each swing. The work wasn't easy but he was barely breaking into a sweat.

"Enjoying the view?" His eyes turned to her, catching her stare at him.

"Yes." Mira answered immediately without shame or embarrassment. This man was blessed with the body of a god and she was fullying enjoying it.

Xander smiled and walked over to her to grab another log to split. "You know you can see much more than this...all you have to do is ask." He winked at her as he walked back with the new log.

Mira's stomach flipped and she couldn't help but smile. "Ookaayy then, I better be off. Mary will be waiting." She stood up and walked away with the empty cup.

"See you later."

Mira only raised her hand and waved as she tried to still her pounding heart and flushed face. The things that man made her feel were like nothing she ever experienced.


Xander continued with his work for another hour until Samuel appeared and interrupted him.

"Hey Boss, I just got back from eastern border check and everything seems a-okay."

Xander stopped and looked at him completely offended. "Say that again."

"Hey...Commander." Samuel corrected himself immediately with an innocent look on his face. "Common we are basically family at this point I don't see why I have to keep calling you this way-"

Samuel started to complain when a blood curdling scream in the distance cut him off. Both the men froze and looked at each other while trying to evaluate what just happened. A second scream sounded and both men took off running in the direction it was heard from.

As Xander ran he realized it was in the direction of the field and the screams were very feminine. He gripped the ax he was holding tighter and braced for a fight.

It took only a few minutes to reach the field but neither man was prepared for the sight. They saw Mary first with several cubs crowded around her running in their direction.

Mary looked absolutely terrified but managed to sputter words out. Mary had blood on her shirt but seemed to be uninjured. "R–r-rogues!" She ran behind the scared cubs shielding them from what was behind them.

Rogues? As in feral wolves? That's not possible for them to be so far across the border. Xander, still running, slowed down for a moment. "Where's Mira??"

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