Chapter 10

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 Mira felt her heart break a little. She scolded herself for ever feeling warm emotions towards him. He just liked having a strange being as a house pet but didn't care at all about her. At her pack she thought she lost everything when she didn't shift. Mira realized she was wrong then. Now she truly had lost everything in her life. Looking over at the laundry half sorted on the floor, she mindlessly got back to her task. A few hours later she was pulling all the clothes out of the dryer when she heard the front door open.


A soft silky voice was heard. Mira stepped out of the room into the living room while holding the basket of laundry. A young female Grizzly stood there in the living room. She was tall, beautiful, and wore a long emerald green dress. It was eloquently adorned with designs and jewels. She had perfect bleach blonde hair put up in a bun with braids on the side of her head. Her eyes were almond shaped and were sapphire blue. She looked at Mira with disgust.

Mira could have sworn she had seen her somewhere but couldn't remember. She approached the woman. "The Commander is out but should be back-"


It happened so fast Mira didn't even have time to process it or prepare for it.

The woman looked down at her and fidgeted with her hands. "Did I give you permission to speak, dog?"


She slapped her again on the same side of Mira's face. This time it stung really bad. Mira's grip on the basket tightened and her face tensed. She wanted more than anything to beat the living daylights out of this barbie but something told her not to. The woman noticed Mira's anger.


"How dare you show such an attitude to me! Do you know who I am?"

It dawned on Mira that when the woman was fidgeting with her hands she had turned her rings backwards. The jewels were scraping against her face causing small open cuts on her face.

"I am Princess Estrid."

Mira glanced up to look at her face and briefly remembered her sitting at the front table in the Hall the day they first arrived.


"How dare you look at me you bitch. Why I ought to-"

The front door swung open. "Princess?" His deep voice sounded a bit confused as to what exactly was going on.

Mira lowered her head so her loose hair could cover her face and the damage that just happened. She was so angry she was shivering but knew that even the Commander couldn't protect her if she fought back.

"Ah Commander there you are. Come. My Father is expecting you at the Hall this evening. We are having a feast to wish your pending journey luck. We can head there together now." Estrid walked towards Xander with a soft smile on her face.

Xander could feel the air in this room was very tense and strange. He started to smell blood in the air as well and noticed Mira was holding the basket so tightly her knuckles were white. He walked slowly and placed the files he had in his hand on the coffee table near where Mira remained frozen. Estrid was at the door putting her boots on pretending all was well with the world.

Very quietly and softly he pulled Mira's hair back from her face. Her face was a bright red and slightly swollen. Small long cuts covered her cheek and near her eye. A few drops of blood had trickled down her face and landed on the freshly clean laundry in the basket. Her jaw was set tight and she continued to glare at the laundry with a fiery passion.

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