Chapter 17

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 Mira sat in the back of a truck, wrapped up in a fur, and reading her book. Her eyes showed that she was really pissed despite seemingly reading.

"Bad ending in the story?" He asked as he opened the back of the bed and sat on the edge.

Mira looked up surprised to see him and closed the book. She sighed before responding. "No just this place... no it's nothing." She felt like she didn't have the right to complain since she begged to come along and knew very well how Grizzlies felt about wolves.

"Wanna talk about it over dinner?" Xander held up the plate of food for her to see and offered her a fork.

Her eyes brightened and she shimmied her way towards him. Keeping the fur wrapped around her she stuck one arm out to grab the fork.

Xander balanced the plate on his bent leg on the truck between them. Wordlessly they started eating.

After they finished dinner Xander set up a tent in the bed of the truck. Mira watched him set it up with a bit more force than necessary.

"You seem angry."

"I am."


"Nothing for you to worry about." Xander finished putting the tarp over the frame and jumped off the side of the truck. "Tent's done. We can put some furs and pillows inside. Also any water and whatnot you need-"

"Is it because of me?" Xander turned and looked at her confused so she clarified her words. "Are you angry because of me?"

"No...yes. I mean I'm angry about a situation that is about you but not at you Mira." Mira's face seemed to fall a bit. "No it's about this Creekshit village and their traditional batshit ways." Xander spoke quickly to try and cheer her up.


There was an awkward pause before Xander grabbed the things she needed and put them in the tent. He then picked her up at the waist and set her at the opening of the tent. He hadn't let go of her waist yet and looked down at her. "Actually this place is the main reason I didn't want to bring you with me. I'm sorry pup but the work that has to be done is crucial."

"It's okay. I knew enough of yours when I asked to have a glimpse of what I was getting the way Xan this place doesn't seem to be raided so why are we he-"

Xander put his index finger over her mouth stopping her from finishing her sentence. He just silently shook his head. "Let's go wash up and go to bed yeah? I didn't get a chance to sleep well last night and would love a good rest tonight."

"We already-"

In one swoop he picked her up bridal style and started sprinting to the woods. Mira wrapped her arms around his neck and hung for dear life as he tore through the woods.

They reached a small creek and Xander sat her down on a rock. The sun was set but the moon shone brightly through the tree tops. The creek babbled, the crickets chirped, and the frogs croaked around them. He ended up sitting on a rock directly in front of her. "Sorry. We had to get away from listening ears if we want to talk about this."

"Oooo is it like a top secret spy mission?"

"Kind of...actually yeah."

"Wait really??"

"We suspect Creekside in giving aid and intel to the rebels but don't have any adequate proof yet. King Magnus sent me here to find out once and for all. This is our main mission."

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