Chapter 31

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 Mira's eyes fluttered open and she looked around to get her bearings. To her surprise she was not in a familiar place. Upon a quick assessment it seemed she was in the village infirmary.

She rubbed her head and tried to process everything that just happened. A flashback of the rogue wolf tearing into her forearm came to the front of her brain. She looked down quickly and to her astonishment, saw that her arm was completely fine. She rubbed her forearm with her hand to double check if what she was seeing was reality.

I'm healing like a normal wolf...I have an actual wolf named Cahira...oh sweet moon goddess I'm not a normal wolf...I'm a blood moon wolf...whatever that means.

Excitement swelled in her chest. I'm not some monster out to ruin the world...I am a protector...

She swung her feet over the bed and looked around. No one was around but she figured if she was okay it was fine to leave. She hopped on the floor and headed for the door. She grabbed the door handle and had a sudden flashback. She saw through a foggy memory of her ripping a Grizzly's throat out and saw Mary in the background. Worry filled her as she couldn't remember anything else that happened.

Did I...hurt anyone I shouldn't have? Should I go outside or should I stay here? Well if I had hurt anyone then would they have put me here without restraints? I don't think so...Screw it. I have to find Xander and tell him everything I've discovered about myself.

She swung the door open and headed out into the waiting room of the infirmary. She saw through an open door the village doctor tending to some cubs. She walked quietly through the lobby and headed out the front door.

She concluded by the sight that it was still the same day as the attack and felt relieved. The village was still in disarray and some were carrying bodies of rogues outside of the village. She started to walk around and was unsure of where to find him when a scent on the autumn breeze caught her attention.

It was him for sure so she turned her course of direction and followed his scent. She followed it to the edge of the village to a clearing. At the clearing there were all the bodies of the rogues being laid side by side. Some people were inspecting them, others were writing down info, and some were dragging the bodies to be buried in a mass grave that was being dug.

It didn't take long to scan the scene to find him. His tall shirtless stature with tattoos made him stand out. His hands and torso were slightly smeared with blood as he was conducting this work. Despite her distance she could see a bit of sweat on his brow and she could even smell it too. He seemed completely focused on the work before him and had a hard emotionless look.

Ugh this man couldn't be more perfect. She walked briskly in his direction and found herself eager to wrap her arms around him. His back was turned to her and when he turned around she directly embraced him.

He was definitely surprised to see his little wolf out and about. He refrained from wrapping his arms around her because he was absolutely filthy.

" are awake. Are you okay?" He asked hesitantly.

Mira pulled herself away and smiled brightly. "I'm great. I'm so glad to see you are okay! You have no idea how much I learned and have to tell you when you are free." Her words gushed out enthusiastically.

His One and OnlyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant