Chapter 19

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Mira dragged herself out of bed the next day. She had a hard time falling asleep after hearing Xander's story. In a way, they were similar since both were alone in this world now.

Mira sat on the edge of the truck as she stretched and tried to wake up. Her eyes locked on Xander's back as he left for the day. The glaring difference between our stories is he hates the one who destroyed his life...while I am falling for mine. However, techinally...I can blame King Magnus and that idiot Seer as my life destroyers... Mira tied her long hair in a high ponytail and mentally prepared for the day.

The third day with these damn logs was now torture. Not only was she bored but things were not adding up and there were missing pieces in the translations. Mira glanced up at Chase who had a permanent frown on his face while he worked. She had to talk to him about this work even if he didn't like it. She stood up and took a deep breath to prepare herself.

"Hey Chase, some of these things are not adding up and I think you missed some numbers in the translation so you could redo these pages from last month-"

"I didn't do anything wrong. It's obviously your problem dog. Figure it out." He snapped without even looking up at her.

Mira closed her eyes and her hand tightened around her walking stick. Repeat after me. This leg is not healed enough for a fight. This leg is not healed enough for a fight. Through gritted teeth a fake smile she tried again.

"I am sure you are doing a great job but Xa-...the Commander is counting on us to do this correct-"

Chase cut her off and stood up angrily. "Then you better do it right because I'm not about to get in trouble for your inability to do a simple task."

Mira clenched her mouth and turned away from him to just give it up. As Chase sat down he spat on the backs of her feet and Mira snapped.

"Screw this!" She whirled back and cracked him right in the side of his head with her walking stick.

He fell off the wooden box he was sitting on and onto the grass. Chase jumped absolutely livid but looked slightly hesitant.

"Forget what the Commander will do! I'm going to kick your ass you little rotten punk!" Mira spat out as she took another swing followed by a roundhouse kick with her good leg.

Chase dropped his hesitancy and tried to punch her. Mira side stepped and trapped his outstretched arm in between her and her stick. She bent down a and drove the end of her stick into his gut.

His head dropped down a bit from the impact and she drug the end of the stick from his gut up to crack him under his chin. The stick cut open his chin and blood started to flow.

Mira took a step back to back down. As mad as she was, she didn't want to really hurt him but just teach him a lesson. "I'm a wolf... Not a dog... Call me a dog again...and I will sterilize you." She had to speak between breaths because she was a little out of shape.

Chase looked up madder than before but his eyes suddenly shifted to something behind her.

Mira knew in her gut it was not Xander and she swung her stick behind her. Someone caught her stick, ripped it from her, and grabbed her. Before she could scream a hand clamped over her mouth and drug towards the woods.

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