Chapter 7

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Xander took her back to the village to the Clan's infirmary. By the time they reached her arm was absolutely throbbing. The Infirmary was a small cabin with a few private rooms. A nurse was at the front desk. Her face was confused at first seeing that the Commander looked fine but was in the infirmary. When it was clarified that Mira needed the help she looked disgusted but didn't say anything. The nurse took them both into a private room and Mira climbed on the bed. Xander sat on one of the chairs in the room and folded his arms.

"Hello there! I was a bit shocked to hear the Commander was here because I've never had to care for you but hearing that it's your wolf that needs help makes much more sense." The doctor was a very old but a very cheery man. He had a white short scruffy beard to match his white hair. He was tall like the rest but a bit more thin. "Now I may be 103 years old but I have to admit I've never tended to a wolf. What seems to be the problem- oh." His eyes landed on her very disfigured shoulder. "You're in luck. That looks like something I can fix regardless of species."

Mira's eyes widened when he said his age. Yeah he looks old but not more than 60. 100??? How old do bears live?

"Alrighty now I'm gonna have to put my hands on you but I'll be gentle. Now tell me little wolf what did you eat for breakfast?"

His bizarre question threw her off guard and she looked up at him. "Uh-" While trying to clear her mind and think he swiftly grabbed her arm and shoulder and popped it back into place with a crack. Mira bent forward and groaned but it didn't hurt as bad as she expected. She rolled her shoulder a bit and could feel the relief through the ache.

"There we go, now that wasn't so bad was it?" He smiled brightly.

"Doc check her left rib cage." Xander spoke up.

Mira was a bit surprised. He didn't see her get crushed by that man on the day of the invasion but he noticed her injury?

"Your rib cage? Something happened? Lay down then for me."

Mira laid down and the doctor began to gently press her side. She flinched when he applied pressure.

"Okay let me just check under your shirt. Seems to be slight bruising indicating some cracks but nothing serious. When did you get this injury?"

"Uuhhh...5...6 days ago?" She didn't know how long the journey took and didn't know what day it was either.

The doctor shot her a glance. "That long ago and it still isn't fully healed? I've heard wolves are a bit slower than we are in healing, strength, and whatnot but this is a bit slower than I imagined. You can sit up again."

"Wolves do heal faster. I an omega. I am... less advanced than the average...wolf." Mira spoke quietly not wanting to verbally admit her shortcomings. Half of what she said was true but she wasn't an omega. A gut feeling told her it was best that no one knew she was the Alpha's daughter.

"No worries. Nothing is out of alignment. Give it another 5-6 days and I'm sure you will be right as rain. Now I've got a cub to deliver so I must be off." He headed towards the door. "Ah before I forget my name is Doctor Theodore. Pleasure meeting you but please don't come often unless you are injured of course then feel free to pop in any time." And with that he was gone.

Mira looked down at the floor and sighed. The bed was high up for her but normal to the bear's human form. She was going to have to jump off and prepare for the ache the landing would bring. Life is pain. She scooted herself forward but a large pair of hands gripped her hips and set her down softly on the ground.

The action startled her and she stared at Xander's back as he released her and started to walk away. Why is he being so nice? He must have an ulterior motive. Does he know I am the alpha's daughter? That rank means nothing though now that my whole pack is dead. None of this makes sense.

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