Chapter 26

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 Xander sat by the bed holding Mira's hand. He watched her chest rise and fall rhythmically. It had been a full day since the accident and she still hadn't woken up. According to the Village doctor, she was physically okay so there was no explanation as to why she wasn't waking up yet. All her minor wounds from the fight had already healed which made Xander nervous because that wasn't her normal healing rate.

Xander was slightly disheveled and had dark circles under his eyes. Every time he fell asleep he found himself staring into her haunting red eyes as she tried to tear into him.

As much as he wanted to just stay with her, he couldn't. He was the Commander and was currently neglecting his duties. Time was of the essence right now and they needed to gather as much evidence as possible as to how this happened.

He walked over to the bedroom door and opened it. Mary was standing in the kitchen cooking some food while Samuel was helping her. They both stopped and looked up at him.

"Gather the others. Be ready for a meeting in five." Was all he said before he went to the bathroom to compose himself.

Xander looked at himself in the mirror and splashed water in his face. He needed to put his emotions aside and focus on finding the answers to this problem. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. As he released his breath he allowed Njal to come forward and take control a bit. Njal had been raging inside and it had been a fight to contain him.

When Xander opened his eyes they were black, calm, and collected. He exited the bathroom to see Mary sitting next to the bed. Njal had been aching to see Mira so he walked up to where she lay. She looked so peaceful, as if she were simply taking an afternoon nap. He stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers. Her soft and sweet scent soothed the beast within him.

All the men were gathered in front of the porch of the cabin. Xander stepped out of the cabin onto the porch to address them. He hardened himself before speaking.

"Yesterday...some shit happened...that shouldn't be possible. We need to figure this out and shut it down. For wolves to get this deep in our territory without a single report is not possible. It's safe to assume foul play in this. Alex, you go over the bodies and check any abnormal old wounds or markings that could indicate being chained or transported. Arne, you will assist Alex. Ivan, Bo, and Reg, you three trail their scent and try to find out the general direction they came from. Chase, contact all the nearby villages and warn them of possible rogue wolves as well as take reports of any sightings. Erick and Chris, you two stay on standby. If Chase hears any sightings from nearby villages, you two will go investigate. Any questions?"

"The little wolf...what is her condition?" Ivan in the back spoke up.

Xander was quiet and looked down, breaking his hard character for a second. "Stable. But not yet awake. Anything else?...Okay, everyone is dismissed to get to work but Samuel, you stay back."

Everyone simply nodded and scattered. Samuel stayed back and waited for the others to leave before he got his orders.

"Samuel, we don't know what's going on with Mira so you need to stay here and watch her. Mary isn't strong contain her...if she wakes up in that state again. Also, see to it that no one knows what happened. For now, I'm the one that killed those rogues."

"Understood." Was the only reply Samuel gave.

Yes the Grizzlies were fearcly loyal to him but also to the crown and he wasn't sure how they would handle what really happened. Grizzlies were supersticious so the fact that they all knew she had met the Great Seer and then went crazy was not a good combination. He needed to solve this mystery first before everyone else found out.

His One and OnlyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz