Chapter 33

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Mira stormed away feeling quite upset with their methods. She understood that it was important to help her but there had to be a better way than this. Chase didn't deserve this at all. Even if he could heal fast, using him like that was abuse and unfair.

She entered the campsite to see a fire burning brightly. Bo was cooking breakfast and Ivan was sitting on a log and drinking a cup of coffee. Mira poured herself some coffee and sat down across from Ivan at the campfire.

She sipped the hot bitter coffee with her eyes closed. She heaved a sigh. tried to clear her mind and calm down. Mira heard footsteps behind her but knew it wasn't Xander who was approaching. The person then took a few strands of her hair in their hand. She figured it was most probably Samuel because he is always doing stupid stuff.

"Don't touch me right now." She snapped and jerked her head to get away from his touch.

Without warning the person grabbed the back of her throat with their hand and started to choke her harshly. Their hand was big and all it took was one to full on choke her. Mira almost threw her hot coffee up and backwards but stopped herself because she didn't know who exactly was doing this.

Ivan jumped up from his seat and started to argue in Old Norse with the person behind her. The person didn't release their hold. The voice behind her was an unfamiliar one and was deep and rough.

Mira started to gasp and her body started to scream for air. Her face paled as her body began to writh slightly and panic. Mira could feel Cahira stir within her chest but she told herself now was not time to shift. They didn't know who they were up against nor the situation. Not to mention they were still exhausted from all the energy the recent shift took from them.

Bo turned and joined in with a menacing voice. Ivan started to get more angry and he put his hand on the giant hunting knife that was attached to his belt.

Her vision started to blur when the person released her. She gasped loudly and dropped her coffee on the ground. Her hands went to her throat as she breathed deeply while coughing. She glanced to look to the right where the person was walking away.

It was an entirely unrecognizable Grizzly. He was big, had short brown hair, and a stubbly face. He had a scar that ran down across his left eye and down his cheek. He glanced at her with disgust before disappearing around the tents.

Ivan rushed to her side and bent down on one knee to get a good look at her. She was still coughing and gasping. "Are you alright little wolf?" His thick norse accent came out.

Mira nodded. "I'm okay." She spoke in-between breaths. "Who...was that?"

"General Sten. One of the three generals we have under the Commander. Him and two other warriors came across our path and are headed to the Royal's Village after the declaration of war. They will be traveling with us from now on."

"Fabulous." She hissed out.

"Aye they are." Ivan looked at her neck. "Best you cover up your neck until it heals to keep the peace. The General and Commander already don't have good blood between them."

"Okay." Mira stood up to go to the truck. She normally would be out for blood but at the moment she too was tired of war.

"One more thing."

Mira stopped and looked back at Ivan.

"Stay near the Commander. Those three are anything but good for ya."

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