Chapter 18

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 Chase was able to translate the logs at quite a decent rate. Which benefited Mira because she could still sit and do her part even when he went to eat or do other small things that day. That being said, this job was the most tedious and boring job she had ever done to date.

Paper after paper of mindless entries of basically everything and it was up to her to cross reference and make sure everything was in order. For the entire day she only stopped to stretch a bit and even worked while she ate. Having only five days to get it done basically meant one box a day which seemed impossible. Still though she tried to keep a positive mindset and power through it.

The sun was long gone and Xander had come back to sleep when she finally pulled herself away. It felt like she fell asleep even before her head hit the pillow.

The next day it had only been a few hours and she felt like she was burning out. She massaged her temples for a bit and glanced at Chase.

The more she looked at him the more she thought about her half-brother Damon. They didn't look like each other but their attitudes were spot on. Full of rebellious attitude and sass but on the inside desperate for approval.

"Hello there!"

A cheery old voice pulled her out of her thoughts and caused her to look up. A very old and slightly chubby woman was there. Her hair was snow white like Mira's and done up in a neat bun. She was slightly hunched over and had a red and black plaid button up shirt and black pants on. For a second Mira looked around to see who the lady was addressing because it couldn't possibly be her however the lady continued to stare right at her.

"Me?" Mira had no idea how to respond because this was the first time someone here had approached her.

"Yes you. Who else could I be talking to? That grumpy boy over there?"

Mira smiled at the lady's sass. "How can I help you?" She got off the bed the truck where she was sitting.

"My name is Frida and I just live over there . I couldn't help but notice you have been working all day yesterday and was back at it again today. So I decided I could maybe ease your suffering a bit with some fresh cookies! So I made my most popular, white macadamia nut. I hope they suit your taste, you being a foreigner and all." She held up a plastic container with a lid on it towards Mira.

Mira's mouth hung open. Not only was this granny talking to her but made her COOKIES?!?! She took the container in disbelief and opened it. The most delicious smell wafted out and her mouth watered. "Oh uh, these will definitely suit my taste. Thank you so much."

"Your welcome, dear. Now I must be off. All that baking has tired me out and I need a nap." The lady patted Mira's arm and set off towards a cabin on the edge of the village.

Mira took a cookie and bit into it. She felt like got transported to heaven and moaned. "Oh my goodness Chase you have to try one of these, they are so good." She turned to face him and picked up a cookie to hand it to him.

Chase looked at the cookie suspiciously. "I'm not going to eat one you touched."

Without a word Mira pulled the container closer to her, looked him dead in the eye, and pressed her hand on all of the cookies. Chase's eyes widened in surprise for a second before his face got red with anger but he didn't say anything and just went back to his work. Mira raised her eyebrows in triumph at him and went back to her work as well with the whole container of cookies to herself.


Xander was so busy he hardly saw Mira and was honestly quite worried despite her "house arrest" order. To his relief it had been a whole two full days and so far not one incident had happened. As much as he didn't like not seeing her the whole day, they only had five more days left in this hellhole if he continued to work this hard. Unfortunately, they still hadn't found any concrete evidence against them but he was counting on Mira to come through on that.

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