Chapter 6

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 "Get up, be down in five." He was in and out of her room in a second.

Mira jolted awake and sat up. Wait, he is letting me out? After I tried to kill him? He even gave me the stuff we bought yesterday. The hell? Mira had been fully prepared to face any punishment after yesterday's assassination attempt. Yet all he did was chuck her in the bedroom until the next morning.

She washed her face, brushed her teeth, and put a shirt and shorts on. Cautiously she went downstairs. Like the day before he was in his office doing some work. She looked on the kitchen island and found a bowl of food sitting there.

"It's for you." the Commander said without even sparing her a glance.

Mira stood there in disbelief for a second. Is he mentally sane? Does he have a bad memory? I tried to kill him and he acts like it was a normal day in the neighborhood and continues on with life. I need answers. Today.

She ended up sitting down and eating. She still had hardly eaten anything since the only meal yesterday got thrown up in the bushes. Not wanting to remember yesterday she tried to force herself to focus on eating and what questions she wanted to ask the Commander.

Mira had just barely finished eating when suddenly he passed her and headed towards the door.

"Let's go."

She had to jump up, grab her shoes, and put them on while trying to follow after him outside. Instead of heading down the slope into the village he turned left and was walking in the opposite direction. They continued to head farther away from all civilization it seemed.

Ah crap. Is this where I get brutally murdered and left to rot in the woods? She followed him hesitantly. Her ears picked up noise in the direction they were headed. It got louder as they continued.

Suddenly the forest was gone and there before them was a huge grass clearing. In the clearing were several men exercising and training in different groups. Some were running, others sparing, and others using a few different weapons. Some of the weapons were unfamiliar but seeing throwing axes really captured her attention.


Mira glared up at him before complying and sitting on the grass at the edge of the clearing. The way he just ordered her around so bluntly really brought out her murderous emotions again. She ended up there for what it seemed to be a few hours. She watched them practice but ended up counting clouds after a while. The Commander went all around the clearing. He watched and spoke to several different men in a very strange tongue. Mira started to get really restless and wondered if he would at least let her run around like the others? Just sitting still and doing nothing was killing her.

Her ribs still ached but staying fit in the situation was more important to her. She need to be ready for any sudden opportunity to escape.

She decided to risk it and run back and forth along the edge of the clearing because she couldn't take it anymore. She made sure to turn around after 20 or so meters to stay in a relatively close area where he said. Mira pretended to not see when he turned his head and stopped what he was doing to watch her. When he went back to his work she took it as an okay sign.

After 20min of jogging she started to sweat. When she reached her 20 meter edge a gentle breeze blew through. The scent of another wolf on the breeze caused her to freeze. It is definitely a wolf's scent for sure. It's nearby as well. Screw it, I have to see who it is.

The Commander's back was turned from her so she quickly made her way along the clearing's edge. There was a bit of a bend in the clearing. When she went around the bend before her was a huge garden. It was about the size of a football field and was filled with several types of vegetables.

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