Chapter 12

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"Wake up. It's bath time."

Mira groaned in response and like a zombie she got up and stumbled after him. The sun was barely up and the fresh cold morning air greeted her. A few guys were up and around the campfire but most were still asleep.

They walked for a few minutes until they reached a soft flowing river. The water was crystal clear and fresh. Some birds chirped happily and the water babbled as it gently flowed downstream.

"Go in first and don't look." Mira grumbled, still half asleep. She closed her eyes and pulled her hair into a high bun. It would take a lot of maintenance to wash it daily so she decided to wash it twice a week. Mira heard footsteps cutting through the water and looked up.

Xander was wading in the water up to his chest. Using a cloth with soap he was busy cleaning up. Mira stopped for a second to study him. The warm morning sun was shining down on them. The water brought out a shine to his tattoos and her eyes trailed the scars on his torso.

"We don't have all day Mira." He said casually as if he knew she was watching him.

Mira dragged herself up, glanced around, and stripped as fast as she could. She raced in the water to get some coverage and ended up gasping at how cold it was. She crossed her arms over her chest and shivered.

Xander washed the cloth in the river before walking over and offering it to her. "Here."

She was startled at how close he was. She was in much shallower water and couldn't help but see his v-line just barely under the surface of crystal water. She turned the other way and stretched her arm backwards to receive the cloth to hide her red face. If the cold water didn't wake her up, that scene surely did.

Despite the water being cold it felt so good to scrub all the dirt off. By the time she had finished Xander was already dried with his pants on. He sat on a rock and used the towel to dry his hair.

Mira's mind started to wander. Man, how is this guy still single? Maybe soldiers aren't allowed to have mates? Come to think of it, I know basically nothing about their culture and ways. I should learn more...but I doubt I could get him to talk enough. Samuel though....he would love to tell me I'm sure. Crap I better get out we need to cook breakfast and leave-

"Xan....I forgot a towel." Mira felt like shrinking into nothing when she realized what she forgot. Mornings were her arch nemesis and her brain never functioned right,

Xander didn't show any reaction but simply held out his towel towards her. In order to get the towel she would have to walk out the river completely bare. Mira raised her eyebrows and stared at him in response.

"Let's do a trust exercise shall we?" Xander suddenly spoke up. His voice was hinted with a bit of a challenge. HIs mouth turned up into a small smirk. Mira remained quiet so he continued. "Walk out of the river and come take this towel. I promise I will look nowhere except directly in your eyes." He had no expectation for her to take him up on it and was waiting for her to throw a fit as usual.

"Okay." Mira didn't know what possessed her to agree. He was right what he said last night about warriors being very comfortable with nudity. She never got used to it because she never shifted. Despite being very shy about her body, she hated being different from 'normal' wolves in any way. Mira started to walk out the river but kept her arms crossed in front of her.

Xander was completely taken back but didn't show it. He remained emotionless and continued to stare at her murky gray irises. The scene looked almost mystical as she rose out of the river. Her white hair pulled into a high bun but some strands hung down. He normally used all of his senses to be aware of the surroundings for any enemies but all of his senses turned to her.

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