Chapter 16

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 The men scrambled to get back when Xander's Grizzly started to advance. He landed on all fours with a powerful thud and Mira was directly under him now.

He lurched forward and bit down on the shoulder of one of the men who was trying to run away. With one bite he completely ripped the man's shoulder and side clean off. Blood splurted everywhere and he dropped dead.

The other two looked completely shocked at the scene for a moment. They looked at each other before separating from each other and shifting into their Grizzlies.

Xander's Grizzly groaned in delight. He was aching for a good time especially since there wouldn't be a drop of remorse for them after they had tried to hurt his wolf. That being said he stood his ground keeping Mira curled under him.

"Hey Commander?! Where are- SWEET TYR there are shifted Grizzlies here guys and one is the Commander!" Samuel bellowed and soon Alex and Chase came into view.

Xander glanced back at them and advanced towards the other Grizzlies revealing Mira under him.

"Oh thank the Gods Mira!" Samuel rushed to get her while the other two stood around on high alert. "Are you okay?- Sorry suuppeer dumb question I know. You are obviously not. Okay let's clear the area shall we? Sorry but I gotta touch you." Samuel's words tumbled out faster than usual due to the current situation. In one fell swoop he scooped her up bridal style and rushed off with the other two.

The three ran through the dark woods. Samuel tried to hold her tight to lesson the joseling. In the distance crashes with roars of challenges and roars of pain could be heard.

"Xander" She managed to whisper.

"Oh don't you worry about him. He will be more than okay. He is probably reveling right now in their demise. We are just gonna do our part and head back to camp as fast as we can okay? I hate to break it you, but you are not looking good...even for a wolf."

"Shut it sloth bear."

"Ah ha the little wolf has learned to curse in our ways has she? I'm impressed. Now hush. You need all the energy you have left."

Mira stayed quiet and just rested in Samuel's arms. She was having a hard time processing everything that had just happened. Did she really just get saved or is this all in her imagination? Did she really just see a shifted Grizzly for the first time? Mira figured they would be big but goodness seeing them up close was intense. Did he really come back for her? The last question lingered in her drowsy mind.

The memory of him bursting through the bushes and roaring came back. He really did come back for her...The last thing Mira saw in her mind was his Grizzly's intense red eyes staring at her before she passed out.


Mira opened and closed her eyes. She managed to see a blurry figure sitting next to her somewhere. She tried to move but her body wasn't really responding like usual. She tried to get the attention of the figure but he wasn't paying attention and instead was looking out of the tent.

Suddenly the figure turned. "Hey! Took you long enough. How do you feel Mira?"

Samuel. It's Samuel. I'm back with the group. "Water" She managed to breathe out.

"Oh yeah water. Just a second." Samuel disappeared and reappeared with a water bottle. He grabbed her hand and pulled her to a sitting position.

With shaky hands she took the water bottle and drank as much as possible. It was the best thing she had ever tasted in her life. She looked around the tent but it was bare except the cot she was on and the stool Samuel was on. She could hear birds chirping outside and the sun was peeking through the tent opening.

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