Chapter 26

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I watch her walk into the room, "Is Everything ok?"

I give her the biggest smile I could muster, "Yes it is."

"Great I'm going to tell the kitchen to bring the food because something tells me. This one here wants to take you to a doctor ASAP."

I laugh because it shows just how well she knew us. "He does but I want to spent some time with my friend."

"As lovely as it is to see you I too want you to see a doctor." I roll my eyes and she raises her hands defensively. "Okay okay you win."

She sits and pick up her glass of lemonade, "So you're dating I'm so happy for the both of you. Your scummy ex got married to your other bestie but you're over him."

"First of all he's nothing to me and second of all she finally gets to be Lady Larsen. They're a match made in heaven I know she's not from a lot of money.  She is a woman from a working class background and it has never bothered me. I treated her no differently because of it."

"Yeah maybe we were too nice with the free trips and homemade and expensive gifts we got her. The sad thing is if he hurt you nothing is stopping him from hurting her."

No one says anything for a moment because no matter what we think of Andrea. No one deserves to be hit. And now I know James and I broke up before my ordeal. Was he really cheating?

The doctor shines a light in my eye and does some more test. "Everything seems okay it's good news you're not experiencing any headaches. If that changes you need to let me know right away. I want to redo your CT scan but you seem to be healing nicely." He looks at my cast, "You will be able to take that off soon."

"Thanks doc."

After reassuring Freddie's and my family that the doctor said everything was okay. I look at the article about James and Andrea. They wore a suit and a elegant  Dior one shoulder  dress in the wedding photos. Freddie peers over my shoulder as he reads the newspaper article with me.

"Wow they're already referring to her as the future Duchess of Copenhagen. What an insult to Susan who has been waiting for a long time for the title."

"I'm glad mum is talking to her again this must be hurting her a great deal." Freddie takes the paper from me and begins to read. "It's as if the new Lady Larsen wanted to to end up in the papers. Why else would you wear a dress like that to a Vegas wedding."

"Tell me about our first date."

"I'll let you tell me about it I'll tell you about our second date instead.

I took you to that bakery Kimi's family owns for the second day in a row because you liked it so much. Then I surprise you with a trip to Paris. We stayed at the Ritz and went to several museums at night. You told me I made your heart race and you would marry me one day."

"That sounds like me and I accomplished my goal."

He kiss me, "Yes you did. I have some engagements to do this week. Why don't I take you to California at the weekend."

"Really I would love that I can't wait till we go on our honeymoon."

He winks at me, "You're not the only one. But seriously are you okay after everything you learnt today."

"I will be. It's nice to know you and I dated before this because it doesn't have to feel awkward anymore."

"Did you feel weird around me before today?"

Did I? "No I mean if I want to make out with my husband I can."

"You could've made out with me before today."

"It would've felt too soon now it doesn't. Show me some more pictures of us together."

California is hot did I mention California is hot because it's roasting. The shorts and t-shirt I was wearing felt like it was too much clothes. I needed to change into a maxi dress how is is possible the shorts were making me feel hotter?

We were doing a studio tour dress as typical American tourist complete with baseball caps and sneakers. No one came up to us and bothered us. It was nice to spent the whole day with my husband having fun. We booked a house in the mountains away from the hustle of LA. Neither of us was into the nightlife anymore. I was making us my mum's famous lasagna in the kitchen. When I heard Elle Fitzgerald it's easy to love song being played.

"Dance with me."

I turn around and take Freddie's outstretched hand and we start dancing. I felt his breathe on my cheek, the smell of the mint shower gel he likes to use with a hint of anise. I close my eyes as we sway to the music. It felt right being in his arms like this. I clumsily kiss him and he stops dancing and kisses me properly. Romance something I never really had with James. Endless love starts playing. "Let's jive."

"I'm not jiving with you and this isn't a song to jive to."

He starts jiving I had to admit he was good, "Honestly you're such a child."

"Come on you know you want to."

He was right I wasn't going to give up the chance to be silly and have fun.

After dancing to four songs he helps me put the finishing touches on the lasagna. We ate sitting side by side while watching the sunset go down. It wasn't a romance novel epic over the top kind of day but it was perfect for us. Freddie was unburdened for the first time in weeks and I love that. I help in a small way to make that happen.

"Are you ready for dessert?"

"Key lime pie me."

He walks into the kitchen and take out a key lime pie ice cream from the freezer. I cut two slices of a coconut cake I made.

Freddie feeds me some of his and I feed him so of mine. "I can't wait till we get married and get to do all the traditions."

"Me too."

"Is there any place you want to go tomorrow?" I have a think

"Big Sur."

"Then that is what we will do."

Isabelle (House of Jensen Series book 5)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon