Chapter 16

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Isabelle's POV

In the past

Isabelle hear the guards yelling at someone to hurry up she thought the person yelling at the guard sounded familiar. She knew there was no way someone she knew was in the hellhole with her. She makes a start on her latest book. It was filled with ways to kill a man Amanda really believed she would get out of there alive. She gave her a book on poisons, battle strategy and overpowering your enemy. She hears a cell door being locked. Ten minutes later her lunch arrives Amanda didn't look in a very happy mood. She hands her the lunch tray and closes the cell door. When she came back to pick the tray she looked preoccupied. Isabelle wanted to ask her what was the matter but she didn't know. Which guard was clearly watching Amanda's every movement. Whoever the new victim was they was clearly making her captors nervou

The present day.

I open my eyes and stare at the tv in front of me. I turn my head and felt pain but not like before. I touch my head expecting to feel pain but apart from the cannula in my arm there was none. I see Jay and Freddie asleep on the sofa. What was Jay doing here he has two new born babies to help look after. I try to say something but my mouth was dry like the Sahara.

I look down at my wrist it was in a different colour splint. "You highness you're awake."

My brother and husband sit up straight, "Let me get you some water."

I gratefully accept the glass from Freddie and finish it very quickly. He pours me some more. "How did it go was their any complication?"

"Everything went okay your wrist had to be broken to get some metal out but that was the only problem they found. Both operation was a success.your specialist will speak to you tomorrow. Your face is bruised but that's normal apparently. You still have your hair the chip was placed just behind your ear. So the ball spot isn't very noticeable."

"Jay you need to be at home with your wife, your son and daughter isn't even a month old yet. Freddie will take good care of me. I expect to see some new pictures of my nephew tomorrow."

Looking defeated he stands and kiss me on the forehead, "Take good care of her." He points at Freddie.

"I always will."

Satisfied with his answer Jay leaves me alone with him. The bodyguard leaves as well. "Are you hungry?"

"Starving it's been couple hours since I ate." He grimaces, "What?"

"It's been three days. They kept you asleep so you could heal."

I was shocked but I was alive and that was what mattered most. He presses the bell to call the nurse.

A plump middle aged black woman walks into the room, "Hi I'm Blessing and I'll be your personal nurse till tomorrow morning. Can I order some food for you, your highness. I'll let your doctors know you're up and seem okay."

"It's nice to meet you Blessing and you can call me Isabelle."

"No can do ma'am. You fought hard to keep your title so I'm going to call you by it."

"I'll let her know what the food options are." The nurse looks over at Freddie and leaves.

He put a chair nears the bed and runs through a list of food that was available. "I would really like a piece of cake from that bakery with my pasta carbonara."

"There's cake in your fridge and do you want garlic bread with your pasta?"

"Yes and some fresh juice how's it you always know what I want. Like the cake for instance? I love that you know me that well. I always felt like a case study to James. If I ask him what my favourite colour, drink and food was he wouldn't know."

"It's pink though you'll admit to lilac because you think you're too old to like pink. Pina Colada when you're drinking booze which isn't something you do often. Like your mum you love a mango tango drink. You like fish and chips, it's your comfort food like lasagna is to Jay."

What can I say the man knew me and knew me well. There goes those butterflies again. "Did Andrea call me?"

He looks everywhere but at me I could tell he didn't want to lie to me, "Spit it out I'm a big girl."

"The phone by your bed is new it is in Italian. You speak the language pretty well so you should've no problem using it."

"That's not what I want you to tell me."

"Because your mum sat on her bag your brother opened it. There were several bug in it luckily for us. Your mother crush them."

"That's why Andrea made a show of making us see she was walking out with her handbag.  We wouldn't have know she left one in the room. I bet she called me and left message acting like everything is okay."  I was so disappointed in her she was using me the cow.

"She didn't call once." He goes through my phone call list so I see there was no calls from her. She didn't leave me any messages either.

If I didn't have my family and Freddie I would be devastated right now but I do and I'm not. I no longer have a chip in my head and wrist which was causing me pain. I'm alert with no medical problems and I'm married.

"Holy crap I'm married."

Freddie laughs, "Yes you're. When you get the go ahead to leave here. The same people who have been looking after you will be based at home with you."

"I want to recoup at the winter palace it's so peaceful and tranquil there. All that clean fresh air will do me good. Then I want to go to Canada. I still want us to have our honeymoon."

"Don't worry we will do all those things once you've recovered."

The room door opens and a trolley is wheeled in with the food I ordered. The nurse helps me to sit up properly and I look at my fish and chips and my pasta. Freddie starts cutting up the fish for me. I was told to use my left hand only when absolute necessary.

"Let me take some obs then you can start on your meal." The nurse checks my temperature, blood pressure and my oxygen. "I'm going to keep the oxygen on a bit longer."

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