Chapter 32

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Federico's POV

In the past

Federico watches as Johan declares his intentions to divorce his wife on tv. His phone buzzes, "The Prime minister has another house sir. We are liaising with the Danish security services to let them know we found out where it is. We followed his nephew and he's led us to a bakery that's used as a brothel."

"That's illegal let the police know right away."

"Don't worry sir we will. You should know someone has kidnapped the family of the prime ministers nephew."

"Good I have a feeling I know who did it. There's untrustworthy people working in the palace and the security services. There should be news about a high profile kidnapping yet there's radio silence. Which means the prime minister is trying to hide something so bad. He doesn't want his family's kidnapping to be reported."

"How much worse can it get sir the guy is a racist piece of crap."

Federico has a sinking feeling, "Something tells me we haven't touch the surface of that man's filth yet."

Present Day

Dad runs the palace like he is a mafia don. I don't blame him someone kidnapped mum before I was born. Wow both of our wives were kidnapped. What are the chances of that happening?

Belle and I are taking photos in the palace grounds for the press in Italy. Then doing our engagement interview in Denmark is that right dad?"

"Yes that's right son that way both country feel like they're part of the celebration."

Mum gets a call and leaves the table, "I know the style of wedding dress I want. A symmetric one shoulder or a tea length dress with lace."

Leah squeals, "And because you're so tall you would look good in either of them."

"Honey you are going to have the wedding of your dreams," I say to her.

She smiles at me, "You best believe I'm and I'm going to enjoy every single second of it. I almost had a wedding with the wrong person." She runs her hand through my hair, "I'm glad I'm doing this with you Freddie."

I kiss her and dad clears his throat, "We are all happy you're part of our family now Isabelle."

"Thank you Your Majesty. You know something weird I don't remember thinking about James once when I was a prisoner. I remember thinking about Freddie and the bakery we use to go to for breakfast."

"You remembered something else?"

"Last night I dreamt about us going to the bakery and you giving me a necklace."

"It wasn't a dream I did give you the necklace you're wearing."

My mother walks back into the room looking disturbed. My father walk towards her, "Darling what's the matter?"

"My phone call was Susan she and Theo had a chat with Andrea and what she told them was very bad."

"How bad mum?"

"She heard him confess to himself he knew where Isabelle was when everyone was searching for her.

"OMG, Isabelle runs out the room. I make to go after her, "Wait son there's more."

"So she's with him to find out what he's up to and she's pregnant but doesn't want him to know. I really want to put the chip in him we took out of Elle."

My father looks murderous at my words, "Son why don't you check on your wife."

My father's tone of voice scares me but right now Elle needed me more.

I walk to the bench outside Elle love our garden. Whenever she needs to think or make a decision she comes here.

"He knew," she spat out.

"They promised him something why else would he not tell anyone including his own mother."I knew I was right in my thinking.

"They promised him me the prize that he wanted despite the fact he was sleeping with my best friend."

"Mum actually had some more to say about the conversation." I tell her the rest of it.

She stands and starts pacing back and forth in front of me. "Does your mother have Andrea's new phone number?"

"You're not thinking of calling her are you?"

"She's staying with a monster for me I don't need her to protect me anymore. I have new bodyguards."

"Dan said when he gets in touch with her you're safe. She is still waiting on him to speak to her."

"I don't care she cheat with him anymore. That man isn't worth crying any tears or getting upset over. She was my best friend and she was still my best friend when I was freed that's what hurts. Her betrayal because I cared about her. I can't let her put herself in danger because of me."

"Susan will try to speak to her again tonight. Mum said Susan wants Andrea to leave James and move to the estate with them. James can't get inside the security codes have all been changed and so have their bodyguards."

"Do you think he did something to his parents for them to do that because yes he hurt me. But a mother would plead for understanding and neither she nor Theo has done that."

Elle makes a very good point I need to speak to Susan and Theo as soon as possible.

"You're right something must have happened I need to speak to them. The problem with calling Andrea is you don't know if she's with James. So calling her may alert him to her safe phone."

"This situation is getting worse quickly. We need to change our clothes for the photo call. The press will be here in an hour."

"You're right lets go."

Susan and Theo manages to persuade Andrea to go on a trip with them and to leave her phone at home. Now all three of them were sat in front of my family looking grim.

"Andrea you can't go back to him it's not safe," explains Elle.

"It's my punishment for cheating with him."

"No it's not and forgiveness exist for a reason."

"Where will I go if I leave him he knows where I work, who my friends are. He calls me and check my movements constantly."

"That's why you need to leave him."

Isabelle I can't I promised Dan."

"If you're dead you're no good to him."

Susan takes the necklace she was wearing off. "James tried to strangle me and pointed a gun at his father when he tried to stop him. He's not going to change just get worse. He's a violent thug and god forgive me he's my son but he needs putting down."

Everyone gasp at Susan's words you could hear the sorrow in her voice and the fear. Leah, Isabelle and Federico why don't you show Andrea the kitchen. You must be hungry," suggest my mother.

"I could do with some food," agrees Andrea.

We leave my parents in the living room. I know my dad when Susan said she wanted her son put down. I knew he would make sure it happened he's ruthless that way. What's stopped me and him from going after James was Susan. She's one of my mother's closest friend. Now we have been given a green light to play dirty.

I'm excited for you guys to read what's next now Freddie has been given the green light.

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