Chapter 5

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Isabelle's POV.

The day Isabelle is kidnapped.

"Mum you're letting me have your olive dress it means so much to you."

"I know it does but I want you to have it so you can hand it down to your daughter. Your father proposed to me while I was wearing it. Every big occasion in my life apart from my wedding day I wore that dress."

Isabelle was very touched by her mother's words and actions. I know Gucci does that black bag that mum likes I'll get it for her she thinks.

Later that day after finishing her engagement one of the bodyguards suggest they go home by a quicker route. Isabelle agrees and she is driven to an alley where another car was waiting with its engine running.

"What's going on I thou..."

A cloth is placed over her mouth and she goes unconscious before she finishes her sentence.

When she wakes up she finds herself in a cell with had a single bed, a desk with a lamp. A bucket and the book war and peace.

"Help she starts screaming someone please help me."

She hears like the door is being unlocked but it was just a small latch in the door. "Shut your mouth if you know what's good for you."

"Where am I?"

"If you want to live shut up you're just making problems for yourself. No one is coming to help you just accept that. If I was you I would start reading that book page fifty-three is my favourite chapter. I'm suggesting you really read that first. My name is Damian." He closes the latch.

Feeling defeated Isabell sits on the bed and starts to cry. Then she wipes her eyes and starts to make the bed with the sheets provided. After doing that she get on her knees and starts to pray. When she was done she looks at the desk and the book. Out of curiosity she turns to page fifty-three.

There was a note hidden between the pages. You can trust me I'm on your side. Amanda will bring you your food. She has specifically ask to do this task. So she knows for sure the food isn't poisoned. She can't get you out of here please don't ask her to and jeopardise her and my life.

You need to show her contempt when she gives you your food or relay a message to you. Listen to her carefully if she starts yelling at you someone is listening to the conversation. We will do our best to make sure you're not hurt in any way. Please don't blow our cover I believe in your brother. He will do his best to find you. Viva la  Revolution viva Denmark. Please hide this note. I will try to bring you a new book when I can. Hide them I'm breaking the rules for you. I hope the books help keep you from going crazy.


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