Chapter 35

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James POV

In the past

"I'm confuse why let me lie to Isabelle so she still thinks we are together if you were going to take her away again. Since you won't tell me where she is I spent three days with her for no reason." James stares the man down.

"Like I said before when her brother plays ball she will be released."

"That's okay then."

The man looks at James in disgust, "You never had a ounce of real  affection for her did you?"

"She will get me an HRH in front of my name why does feeling have to do with it?"

"It's a pity you're mulatto."

James scrunchies his face up, "A what?"

"How did you graduate from Cambridge university with a first."

The man leaves a confuse James alone.

The Present

James was in the car with his mother, father and two bodyguards. "That will wasn't fair why does my wife get 100 million euros and I get one single one?"  The bodyguards snigger at his misfortune, "It doesn't matter I still have a good paying job and my penthouse."

"That penthouse is my property now that I'm head of this family and you're hereby evicted from it."

"Dad you can't do that."

"Watch me."

"Mum you need to do something."

"I still have the scar around my neck from you choking me. And the memory of you pointing a gun at your father when he tried to stop you."

The driver who had worked for the family for years stops the car and him and the bodyguards look at James in disgust.

"We are we going anyway?"

Theo ignores his son and turns to the other occupants in the car. "What you have heard must remain secret and what we are asking you to do. When we get to our destination that place must also remains secret. You will all need to sign the official secrets act."

They were clearly taken back by the request but agrees to it.

The car stops at a airport and they're flown to Italy.  They arrive at a disused hospital in a deserted area. "What's happening, why are we here?" Ask James in a panic.

"We are going to check the cancer you don't have," answers his mother.

"Mum it's real I do have it," insists James as two bodyguards drag him towards the building.

The door is open for them and Elliot,  king Johan's private secretary and the Italian king was waiting for them. James starts screaming and a tape is placed over his mouth. He is given a MRI,  CT scans and an X-ray and blood is taken from him.

A few hours later his mother and a cancer specialist review the results. "Well I'll be damn he has cancer."

His mother was floored by the army doctor's news. "So his cancer could've cause his psychotic behaviour," Ask a hopeful Susan.

"I have never met anyone with brain cancer in the army or on civic street. Who was as devoid of any emotion and was as aggressive as your son. When did he start behaving like this?"

"He was always a quiet nerd but when Isabelle went missing he changed."

Thelma the army doctor shakes her head, "He just became his real self."

"How did I raise someone so violent?"  Ask Susan.

"People are good at hiding who they really are. You can't blame yourself for how he turned out."  She places a comforting hand on Susan's shoulder.

"So what happens now?" Ask Susan as she watches her sleeping son.

"We keep him here and treat him for the cancer. After that you and your husband have some hard choices to make. The thing is he will still be an aggressive person when he's cured."

"I don't care about him going through this with no family around him."  Susan unconsciously touches the scar on her neck.

"If it was me I wouldn't want him around me. I would take the time to get to know your daughter in law all over again. Enjoy looking forward to the birth of your first grandchild. It's telling Andrea got all that money but she's at your estate. She could've run but she didn't."

Susan does a double take, "How do you know all this?"

The woman laughs, "Let's just say information is essential in my line of work."

Susan eyes her up and down, "Clearly you're a doctor but something tells me you don't really work for the army."

"Go home and enjoy being with your husband duchess. It will be some months before your son is ready to be seen again."

Susan gives the woman a smile and leaves.

James who was  awake heard the whole conversation. What he didn't realise was Thelma wanted him to.

She walks into his room, "You can stop pretending you're sleeping now."

He opens his eyes and sit up in bed, "What gave me away."

"As if I would tell you."

"What are you twenty -five aren't you a little bit too young to be my doctor."

"I'm going to give you a sedative while you're here and unless you're being monitored or treated. This will be your default condition."

He get out of bed and lunges for her but she quickly disable him and inject him in the arms. He starts to fall asleep and she put him on the bed in a very awkward position. So his neck would hurt when he woke up.

King Giovanni and Queen Faith was watching the scene through a glass. Thelma walks out the room and bows to them.

"You should have let him fall on the floor," says Queen Faith.

"Darling we still need him to be seen by the public alive and well before we take our revenge."

Faith looks at her husband, "He would deny our son his happiness and kill his bride. Not to mention he STRANGLED his mother," Faith was pointing to James's room.

King Giovanni holds up his hands, "If the public are to believe the lie they need to see him looking well."

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