Chapter 12

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Federico POV

Finding out Isabelle is kidnapped.

"Did you just say someone kidnapped Izzy in broad daylight how's that possible Johan?"

"I don't know but mum had a heart attack when she heard the news."

"Oh man I'm sorry to hear that I'm coming to Denmark and I'm bring some swat guys with me."

"You don't have to do that."

"You lost your grandmother and your brother so yes I have to do this. I love your sister you know that and she told me she wants to finish with that guy."

"Wait what, when?"

"Yesterday she told me he was boring and didn't make her heart race anymore. Then she starts talking about a friend she likes that she wants to ask out."

"Mum is going to stay with Auntie Maria in Spain when she comes out the hospital. So it will be nice to have your company."

The present day

I walk the length of my suite for the third time that evening. I ask Isabelle if I could use her phone when we said goodnight since I broke mine. I didn't need it I always have extra phones with me. I wanted to see if that bastard did something to it. My security people tells me he has an app that tracks her every movement. Johan had James's bag and suitcase searched. They found a phone in one of the compartments. There were pictures of him lying on top of a sleeping Isabelle. I was so angry he would do that. I read through some of his messages on his secret phone. He has a girlfriend he was cheating on Izzy with. In the latest message she was begging him to stay the night with her. There were some other messages on his phone that didn't make sense. Me being the untrusting person I'm tell my security people to put a trace on it. And also to give me a report on everyone he called in the last year. Then I instruct them to make a copy of everything on his phone. I want to delete the pictures of Izzy but I can't. Not without alerting him to the fact people have looked through his things. She was fully clothed in the photo of them on a sofa. I was grateful for that but I was still creeped out. He took a photo of someone asleep without their permission or knowledge.

I sit on my bed, I was glad Izzy was no longer with him. I knew his glasses and nerdy behaviour was all on act. How do you hurt someone and scare them into keeping quiet in a room full of people? He's an expert at hurting woman that much is clear. He was so confident last night telling me he would be royalty too. Thank god Debbie didn't raise a fool. Isabelle wasn't the funny, joke cracking person of a year ago. But even when she was I knew she was astute. To think she would've been in a very abusive relationship if she had kept quiet downstairs. I'm glad I'm marrying her because as a future monarch if he lays a hand on my wife. Or threaten her in anyway I can throw his behind in jail.

Early the next morning I check in on Izzy. I forgot she changed bedrooms to the one next to mine. She was still asleep so I call mum and dad. Mum face comes on my computer screen. Her brown hair was turning grey but her green-ish eyes were just as vibrant as ever. I see dad take a seat next to her.

"Good morning Freddie we are still getting everything ready for your wedding. I can't wait to see the smug, cocky grin wiped off that toe rags face."

"There's something I have to tell you dad." I tell them what James did.

"Dear god that's bad his mother is so wonderful and he's so. Wait this means you don't need to keep the marriage a secret anymore." mum looks conflicted.

"I know she's your friend of twenty-five plus years mum but it wasn't her that hurt my fiancée."

"I know son but how's it going to look me still being friends with her?"

"The only person that can answer that is Izzy. She was the one that was hurt. She is the only one that can say whether she can stand seeing you with Countess Susan."

"We can protect her now son since she will soon be a Costa."

"I know and dad can you bring that present I bought for Izzy and tell Leah. Izzy wants her to be a bridesmaid when you speak to her."

"That's sweet of her it's a good job the wedding isn't happening in Copenhagen cathedral. No one will see the guest or the bride and groom go into the church."

"I know mum and she's agree to go on honeymoon with me. We are going to Canada."

"I'm happy you will have Izzy as your wife but give her time son. She just broke up with her fiancé."

"Faith our son isn't stupid he knows Isabelle needs time to deal with everything that happened to her yesterday. I'm sure Johan is preparing a statement about the incident as we speak."

Oh crap Izzy has to deal with that as well, "We know it was James that give the newspaper that information. We just can't prove it and Isabelle told me last night. She was going to tell the public about the breakup today. People will just see James as someone who's untrustworthy."

"Good your sister wants to say hello." My mum calls her over with her hand.

She sits between our parents we shared the same greenish blue eyes but her hair was brown instead of black, "Hey Federico I heard everything you said said to mum and dad. What a piece of crap Izzy's ex is. I'm sure her family will look after her. When you know if her wrist is broken or not let us know. And Bianca is right the public needs to speculate if that thing hurt Izzy."

There was a knock on my door without thinking I yell, "Come in." To my surprise it was Isabelle. She was wearing a black jumpsuit with flats.

She walks over to the desk and sits on the chair next to me, "Are you busy I can come back later."

"I'm just talking to the family."

She jumps out her chair and stands behind me. It was the most animated I have seen her in months.

"Hi Your Majesties, Leah."

"Hello dear how's the hand?" Ask my mother.

"Painful the doctor said it's a very bad sprain. It was the first time he has seen a sprain that bad. That wasn't from breaking a fall or an accident."

Isabelle (House of Jensen Series book 5)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora