Chapter 41

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"We know that nightmare already happened son."

"I mean something more sinister dad. Anyway the information Andrea gave you did you check it out?"

"Yes I did the doctors and nurses are being held in the same facility as James. The nurse who Andrea said she spoke to backup her claims. She did say it was odd they would never let her charge her shift."

"They?" I ask.

"Her managers and when she went higher up to complain she was stonewalled."

"So the head and tail are crooked."

"Yes son they're. Which is why a mysterious person bought the hosptial and fired every manager in the place. The nurses and doctors talked to my people. So we know who is rotten to the core."

Like I said sometimes my dad behaves like a mafia man.

"Good and that thing how's he doing?"

"I'm surprise you ask son you're a better man than me. He's had the tumour removed. Thy are waiting to see if it's benign or not.

I chuckle, "Like we can't make it a death sentence."

"He's still your mother's best friend's son. When he's allowed to fly he will be seen going to a hosptial in Denmark for his chemotherapy. And whatever else he needs. He will get the best treatment there is because he needs to live to an old age."

"What about Andrea she was working with him. She said she was with him to help Elle but she bugged the room. Not even James mentioned the bugs."

"You know son that's a very good point. Which is why I spoke to Theo and his father and had them change their wills. Unfortunately she's carrying Susan and Theo's first grandchild. That's a special thing and I'm not cruel enough to deny a child their mother. Andrea will never be a duchess and her child will have no title. She will suffer don't you worry. We just need James cancer free first. She's living on borrowed time."

"And in the meantime she's enjoying the perks of being rich and titled."

My father shrugs, "Look at it this way. You're loved up with your wife in a loving relationship. I'm glad you two finally did it and I'm glad she wasn't assaulted while she was a prisoner."

"You can rest assured she wasn't. I saw the blood on the sheets earlier. She was definitely a virgin."

"I'm happy for you son just don't get her pregnant before the wedding. Times may have changed but babies can't come until the public see you too are married first."

"I know dad it doesn't mean we aren't going to have fun practicing."

"Amanda would be perfect for Franco he's a prince. I know he doesn't have a country to rule anymore. But after her ordeal she deserves a lifetime of being pampered."

"You're not wrong there dad. So are you going to announce to the world she's going to be a duchess?"

"I've started the paperwork to make it happen but it's up to her to decide if she wants it known. The trial will be lengthy and hard for her to deal with. Let her enjoy having friends who will care about her. Hopefully by then she and Franco would be dating and he can support her through everything."

"I want to throw a ball for Elle dad and I'm going to invite all our friends. I want Uncle Daniel and his kids to come. It's been so long since I've seen them. There has been so much sadness but there's hope and happiness too. I want to shout out loud Elle remembers she loved me."

"You have whatever kind of party you want son."

One month later I was dancing to a waltz with Elle. While my parents was sat on their thrones watching us. When the dance was finish we walk over to where my sister and Amanda was talking and laughing. She has really come out of her shell. The real Amanda is an amazing woman. I see Franco staring at her and smile, "Hey Amanda why don't you ask Franco to dance."

She turns her nose up at the suggestion and smooths her blue gown. They took an instant dislike to each other when they met. I wasn't going to continue to try to get them together. Then my mother said, "You can't hate someone like that and don't expect a spark of attraction to happen."

Elle gives her a nudge and she unfolds her arms and walk over to him. He says something to her and she goes bright red and glares at him.

"Are you enjoying your party?"

"Of course I'm thank you for throwing it. All our friends and family are here with us to celebrate our first ball together."

"Close your eyes I have a surprise for you."

I watch her close her eyes and a cake is bought in by the head chef.

"You can open them now."

"Happy birthday honey."

"My birthday isn't for couple hours."

"It's gone twelve happy birthday."

I kiss her passionately, "Thank you."

We all sing happy birthday to her she goes to blow out her candles.

"Wait just one second before you blow those out."

Johan taps her on her shoulders, "OMG I thought you couldn't come."

"I wasn't going to miss spending my birthday with you before your new life starts getting busier."

He hugs her and she holds his hand, "Let's blow these candles out together like old times."

We watch them blow their candles out. I go to Elle's side and Bianca goes to Johan. A photographer takers our photo. The press likes to call the four of us the next generation of rulers.

My dad comes up to us, "May I have a dance birthday girl?"

Elle nods and takes to the dance floor with my father. My mum dances with Johan which meant I had to dance with Bianca.

"So how's married life?"

"Great it helps I'm in love with my wife."

She chuckles, "She has been through a lot please take good care of her. The woman I met almost a year ago is gone and it's to be expected after all she's been through. But I see glimpses of the old Isabelle and I see how she looks at her nephew."

"Isabelle is a wonderful woman and my family loves her. I look at Amanda, "and I know Amanda helped bring about the changes in her. My mother and father adore Amanda's parents and they get on really well."

"I'm confuse why are you taking about Amanda?"

"Because Your Majesty, we all assumed she was a certain person then we learnt about her ordeal. The woman we all hated for two years turned out to be a fake. When we got to know the real person we saw another side to her."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Isabelle was always bubbly and cracking jokes but that isn't her whole personality. You didn't get a chance to see the strong willed, take no prisoners. Go out of her way to help people person that she is. When she returned to us she was different but the old Isabelle is still there. She just adopted to her life changes as best she could. Who would have believed your husband's ex-girlfriend would become one of your good friends. I'm sure Isabelle didn't think the woman she loved like a sister would betray her so badly."

"Or the woman she didn't like I.e. Amanda would be her best friend even if she couldn't remember it."  The song stops, "Please look after Isabelle,  Freddie."

"I will, Your Majesty."

I watch as she gets all the young women in our family along with Amanda and Eliza and they start dancing together.

I ask the photographer to take a photograph of all of them having fun together. I took one on my phone as well.

Isabelle (House of Jensen Series book 5)Where stories live. Discover now