Chapter 19

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Isabelle's POV

In the past

Amanda looks at Isabelle something wasn't quite right. They took her away from the house for three weeks. She couldn't get any information on where they took her without blowing her cover.

"Hey Isabelle I bought you your breakfast." She looks down the hall quickly. Do you remember where they took you?"

"Did someone take me somewhere? I don't remember leaving my cell except to shower and use the toilet."

Amanda starts to panic they did something to her and whatever it was she knew it wasn't good.

"Hurry up Amanda you need to give the others their breakfast. She accidentally touch the inside of Isabelle's left wrist. She holds her head in pain, "My head is hurting."

Ananda goes to Isabelle's pillow and takes two paracetamol from a blister pack. "Have this with your breakfast this should help."

A guard starts banging a door Amanda hurry's out of the cell and walks towards the kitchen. She couldn't ask direct questions about Isabelle she didn't want to be hit again.

The next day when she walks into Isabelle's cell she notices she didn't look glossy eye anymore. "Hi Amanda what are you doing here?"

"Where are you Isabelle?"

"I'm home and you're here to give me breakfast before you see my brother who you're dating."

Amanda put her tray down she's been brainwashed. Luckily for her the guard on duty was a friend. "Isabelle I'm sorry to do this to you." She slaps her and Isabelle put a hand to her face.

"Why did you do that for?"

"They did something to you I'm afraid. You have been kidnapped and living in a small cell for months now. Your life is a misery I'm going to tell you something that can get us both killed. Your grandmother and brother is in this basement in another cell. Those books on warfare I got you study them. Until you know them by heart. I'm going to give you a book on fighting skills read them. When Damian is on duty you and I will practice. Now I need you to remember everything I just told you except the part about your grandmother and brother. Everything they have told you is a lie but don't worry I'm here now I'll protect you."

I can't believe they have the ability to do this. I need to find out what exactly they're planning and destroy their work. No one must know the prime minister have the capability to do this. Amanda thinks to herself. Amanda walks out Isabelle's cell with a look of steely determination on her face. They went too far and needed to be stopped as soon as possible. She was going to speak to Johan.

The present

I walk out the bathroom dress only in my underwear. I was surprise to see Freddie up and on his phone.

I step into my teal skater dress then stand in front of Freddie who seems to understood what was needed and zips me up. I look at myself in the bathroom mirror. My hair was limp but I couldn't wash it yet. I pick up a hairbrush and start to brush it.

"Here let me do that for you."

Federico takes the brush and starts to brush my hair. He goes into the bathroom and come back with a comb he starts to comb my hair until it looked decent. When he was satisfied with how it looks. He gently brush it again making sure to not touch my still healing scalp.

"Thank you."

He covers his mouth, "You're welcome."

"Why are you covering your mouth?"

He moves away from me, "I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

I walk up to him and move his hand away from his mouth and kiss him. Any man that would do what he just did. While making sure my scar wasn't bothered deserves a kiss on the mouth.

I had clearly taken him by surprise but he kisses me back. Then rest his forehead against mine. "I really need to get ready for the day." Wow his breath stinks. I follow him into the bathroom and we brush our teeth side by side.

I hold onto my fedora in the car as we make our way through the streets of Copenhagen. "When the car stop Freddie takes my hand and I exit the car. I place the fedora on my head to protect my healing scar.

As we make our way to the cash register I look at the menu. It was different. I look in the display and there it was a maple twist with pecan in it. I order one and a breakfast sandwich while Freddie orders a selection of pastries and a latte. I order tea and we didn't a empty table. I was glad to see there was no paparazzi around.

"I want to take you to my favourite shop after this. He raises a eyebrow at me. "Trust me you will love it."

Five hours later later, "I can't believe I'm doing this." My husband looked out of his depth.

"You're doing it."

Freddie paints a flower on a little girl's face while I help her mother picks out some clothes for her new job.

"How's your hand?" The woman ask.

"Ask me in ten weeks."

"Wow it takes that long to heal?"

"Unfortunately, I'm not looking forward to the cast itching like crazy."

She laughs, "When my daughter broke her leg she would try to wet her actual leg to get some relief."

"Is this all you're taking?" I ask the woman.

"Five outfit for five days of work."

I do the paperwork and put her items in a bag then when she wasn't looking. I put a thousand euros in an envelope and put it in the bag.

Freddie saw me do it, he takes the bag from the woman. "I'm sorry I just need to double check the paperwork. He goes in the back while I stay with the client and finally comes back and gives her the bag.

We wave goodbye to her and her daughter then leave. "I didn't know this place existed. I gave that woman three thousand euros as well."

"Bianca set it up it's only been going for a month. She knows how difficult it is finding a job as a single mother. Then finding the money to buy work clothes without that first paycheque. The clients here get an outfit for a job interview and clothes when they get a job."

He was impress, "The shop does good work. I'll donate some money to it."

"Bianca will love that she started the shop with the money she saved up when she was working."

"Her husband is worth billions and she took no money from him that speaks to her character." He looks at his watch, "Your medication is due. We need to find someplace to eat so you can take your meds."

We were in the centre of Copenhagen I look around and see a branch of one of my favourite eatery.

"Let's go to the burger spot."

We walk in and are shown to a seat that was away from everyone else. I was glad, I wanted a quiet meal with my husband and It also meant I could take my pills without people seeing me do it.

"What can I get you both to drink?" Ask a waiter.

"I'll take a Diet Coke."

She turns to Freddie, "I'll have the strawberry milkshake."

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