Chapter 11

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I look into his eyes, did they always look like the colour of the ocean?

"I'still want to marry you."

He caresses my cheek, "I'm glad and unlike that idiot I will truly protect you."

I knew he would and not because I was his wife but because he loves me. I see it in his eyes whenever he looks at me. How did I miss his feelings for me?

I go to kiss him on the cheek. I wanted to kiss him on the lips but I kissed James earlier.

"While I'm happy to seal our deal I'll wait till you brush your teeth."

I smile and give him my hand, "Your wrist Izzy. I can see it's still painful when you move it."

"You're right it is very painful. Thank you for being here for me and for not gloating that you knew James was no good."

"Why would I do that?" He lifts my chin so he was looking into my eyes. "You have the most expressive eyes I have ever seen. I'm glad you're no longer a blonde. Your brown hair suits you so much better and you're welcome."

We join my family at the dinner table since the actual meal part of the evening was still waiting to be served. I wasn't in the mood for finger food anymore. I can have some for breakfast tomorrow and send some to a soup kitchen.

"Before I forget Izzy your new bodyguards will be here tomorrow."

I was shocked, "Why do I need new bodyguards?"

"You're the fiancée of an Italian crown prince. My family needs to be the ones paying for your bodyguards now."

"I always forget you're going to be a king."

"You're the only woman royal or not that only ever sees me apart from Leah and mum."

The doctor comes and he takes me into another room. Bianca and Freddie follows us. They watch as he examines me, "You need a x-ray that wrist looks like it's sprained."

"He press so hard he sprained her wrist?" Ask Federico.

"I hope it's a sprain and not a break," answers the doctor truthfully."You said he your highness. Did a man do this to you?"

"Yes Lord James and we are no longer dating."

He looks around the room uncertainly, "Perhaps it's best we're by ourselves when I ask you the next question."

"Doc they can stay." Bianca was holding my good hand for moral support.

"Did he erm force himself on you?"

I hear a phone smash, "No he didn't we never had sex."

"So I don't need to do a kit then."

"No you don't," I answer quickly seeing the rage on Freddie's face and the anger on Bianca's.

The doctor takes me to the x-ray department in the hospital part of the palace and takes a X-ray of my wrist and my stomach. "A radiologist will check these over and write a report tomorrow." He puts a splint on my wrist and give me some painkillers.

"Don't forget ICE I'm going back to bed. If you need me for anything else just call I'm only on the next floor."

"Thank you."

I make my way back to the dining table and Freddie pulls out my seat for me. "What did the doctor say?" Ask my brother.

"He thinks it's sprained but he's not sure. He couldn't believe someone holding my wrist could cause such damage to it."

"I'm going to kill him."

"You have to get in the back of the queue after me Jay." I turn to look at Freddie.

"As long as I do what he says my wrist should heal."

"You can't do any engagements till it's healed."

I knew he was right, "She's is going shopping with me once we know the extend of her injuries. So the country can see the damage to her wrist."

"Bianca I rather stay inside."

"Tomorrow your only job is to rest and relax then we need to go shopping for some items for you. We need to get some clothes for your honeymoon as well."

"We are going on honeymoon?" I ask Freddie.

"Yes we are. After today we need some time away so we can talk and you can deal with everything. We can go wherever you want to go."

I knew just the place, "Canada I want to go to Canada. I want to do some hiking and fishing and sit by the fire. I want to go to the coolest part of Canada. I think for this time of year it's Newfoundland."

"Then that's what we will do."

"I take a drink of my water and try to not show how scared I was. Not of my future with Freddie but of what happened with James.

Isabelle (House of Jensen Series book 5)Where stories live. Discover now