Chapter 1

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Isabelle's POV

I look at my boyfriend and smile he was sunning himself on a sun lounger next to me. He surprised me with a trip to Aruba and I'm so glad he did because I desperately needed a break.

The country I'm from Denmark has just started a period of peace after going through a transition of power. My brother Johan is king and he rules the country completely after there was a civil war there. I look over at James he was 5'11 and tanned with black hair thanks to his mix heritage. Like me he has a white father and a black mother and he was two years younger than me.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" He ask.

"I'm, thanks again for bringing me here. I can't believe I'm free to date whomever I want."

"I know isn't that great? I can't believe that moron wanted your brother to marry a white woman."

The Danish Prime Minister thought he controlled my older brother Johan. He demanded he divorced his dark skinned wife and marry someone white instead.

"Look how well that worked out for him," I grin.

"He's out of all our lives now and that's all that matters. I booked us a couples massage for later. Then I'm taking you to a local restaurant."

"That sounds nice." I was trying not to fall asleep because the plane journey was very long and I was tired.

He sits up and faces me, "You look knackered why don't you get some rest."


I give him a quick peck on the lips and walk inside the house. I could feel him watching me as I go. I'm glad I choose a black bikini today because my body looked amazing in it. I was a typical hourglass shape I had a small waist and average boobs. Fortunately I had a small butt. You notice me when I walk into a room something I didn't always like. I was very happy James was 5"11 like me.

I walk into my bedroom and change into a long top then make my way to the bed.

"Izzie wake up we need to get ready for the spa."

I open my eyes for a moment then go back to sleep. I felt someone lifting me off the bed. I open my eyes to see my boyfriend of over a year carrying me into the shower. "Put me down," I start screaming because I knew he was going to put me under the shower. Then turn it on to the coldest setting."

"Get ready I don't want us to miss our appointment it will look bad on us."

He was right of course and I literally can't go anywhere without someone recognising me. Why? because of the war in my country.

I brush my teeth and have a quick shower. I choose black shorts and a white v neck top. I was slipping my sandals on my foot when I see them pyjamas.

I do my best to ignore the flashbacks and walk into the living room of our villa to see James sipping from a coconut. "You look lovely."


We hold hands and walk to the treatment room. We were staying at a five star resort that had several villas scattered around the ocean.

"This place is so beautiful and security conscious," I say.

My bodyguards walk ahead and behind me as well as the ones James had with him. His father was a billionaire who had his own brokerage firm and James has been working in it for the last two years. I was so proud of him he wasn't out there sleeping with a different woman every night.

After our massages we explore the resort a bit more. There was a lot of water sports, exercise classes and excursions to the main town to participate in.

"How are the flashbacks?"

I stop walking, I was shock I never told anyone I was getting flashbacks about being held hostage by a mad man. Or the former prime minister as I like to refer to him.

I stop walking and turn to him, "How do you know I'm getting flashbacks?"

"Izzie I've known you my whole life which means I know when you're hurting. Every time you see a pair of pyjamas you freeze up. Then you act like they don't bother you anymore. But I know it does, you were forced to wear concentration camp style pyjamas. A video of you wearing them was released for the world to see. You're hurting I think you should go to counselling."

I know he's right but right now all I wanted was to feel the sand between my toes. Not talk about my humiliation.

"I'll think about it why don't we change and go to the beach."

"We can later but right now we need to talk I'm not letting this go Izzie. It's too important you need help. I get it your experience will change you that's normal."

I start shaking I couldn't help it. He scoops me up and carries me to our villa and gently places me on the sofa.

He orders the staff to leave and holds me while I continue to shake and I start to cry. "Tell me what's wrong," he whispers softly to me.

"Every time I see pyjamas it reminds me of my humiliation on tv wearing them."

"Isabelle the reason the world needed to see what went on in Denmark in all its gory details is so it's never repeated again. You may have felted humiliation but it wasn't intended to be that. Think of how your fellow captive suffered with you. They can start to rebuild their lives because the proof of what happened to them is out there for the world to see."

He was right I never thought of looking at the tv situation like that before. My family and I were lucky all Noah, gran had I had in the way of humiliation was being shouted at. Pushed, poked and using a bucket as a toilet. I heard the screams of the other three people with us every night I was a prisoner and it will never leave me. Rebuild James use the world rebuilt I want to rebuilt my life with my boyfriend who I love very much.

"I'll go to counselling when we get back home I promise. Hey James what was you and my parents talking about the other day. Mum keeps giving me a sly look when she thinks I don't see it."

"Nothing your birthday is coming up and I want to throw you a birthday party at the castle."

"I can't wait I can't believe I'm going to to be twenty-six. You'll be twenty-four before you know it."

"I know, my granddad wants us to have dinner with him when we get back."

"I'll love to Lord James."

"Says the princess," he stands and head for the kitchen. "I'm going to call the restaurant and have them deliver our meals to us."

Every chapter from now on will start in italics with the past being shown.

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