Chapter 44

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Andrea walks out the living room and dials a telephone number. "I need a favour."

"Oh it's you Andrea you're not the friend of a princess anymore you're no good to us." The person hangs up the phone leaving Andrea looking stunned.

"Is everything okay Andrea," she jumps at Susan's voice.

"Yes it is I was just about to order takeout."

"Great order me a pizza with the works will you."

Susan walks back into the living room smiling and Andrea calls her contact in the press. "I have a story for you."

Susan records Andrea's conversation. The next day Andrea searches the newspaper for the story of the century. But there was nothing in the newspaper about Isabelle's wild fling with Franco.

Federico's POV

I look over at my sleeping wife we partied into the night at Franco's and Amanda's wedding. My phone rings and I quickly answer it and leave the bedroom before the sound wakes Elle up.

"I take it you have good news for me Dan."

"The best kind, she tried to sell a fake story on Isabelle and Franco's having a wild fling. This is after she called another newspaper editor and tried to get him to do her a favour."

"Thank you for letting me know."

I ponder my next move Andrea did what we all expected of her, she betrayed Isabelle. I knew James was due back in Denmark tomorrow. I call Duchess Susan, "She did it."

"I know I taped her making the phone call."

I laugh it felt good. We just needed James to be seen in public with his darling wife. "Isabelle and I should be in Denmark by tomorrow afternoon."

"If I make the appointment for three o'clock that will give you enough time to get to us."

"Yes, see you then."

I walk back into the bedroom to see Isabelle coming out the bathroom. "Good morning I can't believe we slept so late."

"It's to be expected we had a long day yesterday."

"Come back to bed."

The next day we arrive in Denmark and head straight to the solicitor's office. Amanda and the rest of the Larsen's were there including James.

"Excellent now that everyone is here I can read the rest of the will," says Martin.

"Rest of the will?" Inquires James.

"Yes, there was a clause in the will."

"To her royal highness The Princess Isabelle I leave eighty million euros of the hundred I left to Andrea. The other twenty I leave to my great-great grandchild she's carrying."

"What are you saying I don't understand this clause," screams Andrea.

Ignoring Andrea the solicitor continues to read. "Andrea you have betrayed your friend and the integrity of the name Larsen. So I'm giving the money I originally gave you to Isabelle and your child. It's grandmother or Joseph will be the trustee of the trust for him/her until she/him is twenty-five."

"Are you saying I have no money?"

The solicitor smiles at her, "That's the gist of it."

"What am I going to do now?"

"I'm not heartless you can stay in a cottage out back until you have the baby."

"What are you saying Susan?"

"Basically I own your ass."

Elle and I was having dinner with her family. "I wish I could've seen her face when she found out she wasn't rich anymore."

"Well big brother I took the liberty of taking a photo of it for such an occasion." She shows Johan the photo of Andrea realising the game was up.

"I'm just glad she won't be a problem anymore. She should be happy she has the money from her work to live on. Susan could've demanded she pays rent but isn't," I say to everyone.

"Susan wants her grandchild born safely son."

I look at the prince consort, "Of course she does sir."

"So what does this mean?"

"Well Elle your ex-bestie is broke and James is still a problem."

"The man has cancer what can he do to me now Freddie?"

"Plenty he hasn't been in work since he's being treated for his cancer."

Johan and I exchange a look, "So he's broke?" Ask Elle.

"Unfortunately not, he still has several million euros to his name his great grandfather left him."

"You sound angry about it."

"Because I'm honey."

"Let's change the subject shall we," says queen Bianca.

I was grateful for the queen's tactful timing.

"After attending Amanda's wedding and helping her plan the event. I know exactly what I want for my wedding," says Elle.

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