Chapter 15

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Two hours later I hear, "I do."

I hold Isabelle's hand in mine and say, "I do as well."

We were declared man and wife by the bishop. Who the staff thought was in the room to do a prayer before my surgery. We all prayed and song hymns before the wedding.

I kiss Izzy on her forehead and hold her hand until I had to let go.

Jay who had gone to the doctor's surgery in the palace with my mother walks into Izzy's hospital room with a suitcase.

They sit next to me, "It's not the doctor's fault. The X-ray didn't show anything was wrong. To someone who isn't trained to interpret the results. It does show a shadow on her wrist but it's hard to tell what it is. I've been a doctor for over twenty years and I couldn't tell what it was."

"I don't understand what you're saying mum. Did someone lie?"

Mum continues, "I showed this to a friend of mine who's a radiographer. He knew straight away what it was."

"So the radiographer lied about the results and the doctor by putting her arm in a sling made the pain worse?"

"Yes son he did but he would not have been thinking there's something nefarious going on. He did what any doctor would do try to help their patient."

"When it's safe to move her I'm taking Izzy home with me."

I could tell Jay didn't like that idea. "I didn't mean as soon as she leaves the hospital. I want her to get well first but I want that doctor fired. I'll get an Italian doctor to look after her. The bloody doctor couldn't even tell it's not her name on the X-ray."

Everyone walks towards me and Jay and my mum look at the X Ray again. "I can't believe I missed that I was too busy looking at it to check the name. You need to kick the doctor out the castle right away. I know I made the same mistake but I assumed he didn't."

"Either the doctor and the radiographer are crooked. Or the doctor genuinely missed the name difference like my mum did."

"Or they conspired together," finishes the kings mother.

She looks so worn out and tired the poor woman has had to deal with enough pain and heartache for a lifetime. Her husband Antonio didn't even go to his last engagement of the day. I could see the lines on his face and the tightness in his face. He was holding his family together but who was looking after him. I make a note to send his sister Queen Maria of Spain a text message.

"Does the press know Izzy is in here?" Ask her mother.

"Yes, to fix her wrist I also told them she was taking a break from royal duties until she was well enough to perform them. A minimum of three months. I also mentioned that my aunt and my friend has extended an invitation to her to visit them which she has accepted. With Uncle Alexander and his wife doing full time royal duties. We don't need her," Jay looked worn out.

"I just hope she makes it through the surgery okay." Noah was arranging the teddy bear. He got her for her birthday when he was ten on her bed. And just like that everyone starts emptying her suitcase to stop themselves from thinking she mayn't wake up.

When the room was tidy and the suitcase put away in a closet. We look at the menu more to distract ourselves than because we were hungry. I ordered fish and chips along with the king's mother.

"She's going to wake up." I don't know why I choose now to add to Noah's statement.

"Yes she's," agrees his mother. We all say a prayer for her then we start eating. I sent my private secretary to buy vogue and home and garden and some puzzle magazines for Isabelle.

It was late at night when she was wheeled back into the room she was asleep. I see Noah's chest rising up and down in panic. I go and sit next to him.

"The surgeries went well I'm keeping her asleep so she heals. Did you know the X-ray that was suppose to be of the princess was of someone else? I was in surgery comparing both X-rays. Mine looked totally different to the one the other hospital sent over. I've made a serious complaint that could've caused someone their life. I mean suppose it was cancer and I didn't do my own X-ray."

"Thank you Doctor for taking such good care of my sister. I have some specialist flying in to help with her care. They should be here tomorrow."

"That's fine Your Majesty let me know when they're here. I'll let the hospital know to expect guest."

She came through the surgery okay my wife was going to be okay. My wife it's weird thinking that's my reality now.

Two days later I was sat in a meeting with my head of security. I made sure bodyguards dressed in scrubs was present in the room while Isabelle was being operated on. Just like there was one stationed inside her room and two outside of it. She was now a crown princess and needed to be treated and guarded like one.

"They're still doing test on the metals removed from her highness. It will take time sir."

I look at Kenneth my most trusted guard, "I don't want corners being cut here. When I look the people in the eye who did this. I want to know it's the right people's lives I'm extinguishing."

He bows and leaves me alone. With my parents still in Denmark I was glad my cousins Anna and Giorgia were doing engagement back home. Alongside their husbands and kids. Our people would still see royals out and about.

I open my phone and go on Twitter I knew there would be nothing about Isabelle being in the hosptial on it. The people of Denmark love their royal family. And after everything thats happened wouldn't want to cause the king's mother more heartache.

A question kept playing over and over in my head. Why did James hurt Izzy and why did he seem to expect her to obey him. Even after hurting her the way he did on more than one occasion? I have Isabelle's phone still. I gave her a new one. Mum and dad insisted I give her a phone made for the Italian market. Which I did, it's in her room at the hosptial. The thing is Andrea hasn't phone or texted her in the last three days. If my bestie like she likes to call herself was a victim of domestic abuse. I would offer her support. If Jay said Bianca was hurting him. I wouldn't think you're a man. Man up I would offer him a way out of the relationship. Then support even if it was listening to him talk at three in the morning.

She hasn't phone her. I had Isabelle's phone taken apart and there was a tracker on it. That has been taken out and put into a burner phone like my dad always says to catch a thief. You need to set a trap.

Isabelle (House of Jensen Series book 5)Where stories live. Discover now