Don't ask

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[Kinkajou, Tetra, and Delta are relaxing in the living room]

Delta: Do you think the giant dragon made me look older?

Tetra: Why would it do that?

Delta: Because I think I'm taller than you by an inch!

Tetra: *stands up* WHAT?! NO, YOU'RE NOT!

Delta: Am too!

Tetra: No way!

Kinkajou: Guys! You're still the same height! Time travel didn't affect you.

Delta: Aw man.

Kinkajou: And keep it down, will you? The whole memory loss thing is still affecting me.

Delta: How so?


Tetra: What?

Kinkajou: Look! *Points to a pink spot on her wing* see the difference?

Tetra: *squints* No?

[Qibli, Winter, Turtle, and Echo fall out of a portal in a dragon pile once again]

Echo: *at the bottom of the pile yelling muffled complaints*

Kinkajou: Whoa, what death trap did HG send you into?

Turtle: *shudders* Don't ask.

Echo: HG fought us himself in some dungeon game.

Kinkajou: And you guys won, right? *Glares at Turtle*

Turtle: Erm...

Kinkajou: Right?

Turtle: Uh, well I lost, but it looked cool cause I was in knight armor!

Kinkajou: *sighs* I need to update your workout schedule Turtle.

Turtle: But I don't even have a--

Kinkajou: That's why I'm updating it!

[Another portal forms and Tide, Peril, and Anemone appear]

Kinkajou: There you guys are!

Peril: *groans* My head hurts.

Tetra: Please tell me your trip was more interesting than the others'.

Tide: *struggles to stand up* Well...


Tide: *sitting on a desk struggling over a Sudoku puzzle* why did HG send us into a puzzle game?

Anemone: Maybe it's a compliment because he thinks we're the smartest?

Tide: Or he thinks we're the dumbest and is trying to train us.

Anemone: That too. *Returns to her crossword puzzle* Can you help me with this one? The clue is "overworked mailman".

Tide: How many letters?

Anemone: I'm guessing too many.

Tide: *eye roll*

Anemone: What? It was funny! *Sighs* What about you Peril?

Peril: *wakes up from a nap* Eh?

Anemone: What puzzle did you get?

Peril: Oh, I forgot. I lost track after I solved the sixth one.

Anemone: SIXTH?!

Tide: Help me with this one then!

Peril: *cracks her knuckles* Oh, Sudoku? Easy. *Traces her claw on the paper and burns all the squares and numbers* Now that there are no boundaries, scribble random numbers and you're done.

Tide: *awestruck*

Peril: I'm gonna go back to sleep now.

*End of flashback*

Tide: It was...

Anemone: Dangerous.

Tide: Deadly, even.

Peril: Brains were fried.

Wings of Fire: Truth or Dare--BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now