Turning Point

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Noir POV

I bring my knees to my chest letting my tears fall. Why did have to be like that? I let my emotions free when there's a knock on my door.

Lucas: "It's me."

Noir: *sniff* "Come in."

He enters joining me on my bed. He then pats my back trying to comfort me.

Noir: "Why would he be so mean?"

Lucas: "I don't know."

Noir: "And the things he said about you. He'd never talk like that."

He only pats my back as I continue to cry. A second knock is heard. This time mom enters my room. Without saying a word she sits on my bed and wraps me in a deep hug laying my head on her shoulder. I return her embrace reveling in her warmth.


I turn away from the window hanging my head. I really hurt them.

Null: *in head* "You're uneasy again."

I leap swinging down the Vale streets.

Y/N: "No shit Sherlock. I likely just pushed my entire family away. I shouldn't have said those things."

Null: "Family is overrated. They do nothing but drag you down."

I fly through an open window landing in a storage area.

Y/N: "Watch it. That's my family you're talking about. They're good people."

Null: "There's no such thing as good people. There's only bad people pretending to be nice, just so they can stab you in the back."

Y/N: "You're very nihilistic."

Null: "I'm only speaking the truth. The only true good people in this world is you and I."

I look at my reflection in a fractured mirror.

Y/N: "I don't feel very good."

Null: *ugh* "Again with the morality. When're you gonna wake up and realize it's pointless to have it?"

I narrow my eyes.

Y/N: "Morality is good. It's what separates us from the criminals we fight."

Null: "That's bullshit and you know it."

Y/N: "You know I'm starting to think you're not a very good influence."

Null: "What?"

Y/N: "Maybe I was better off just going to therapy."

Null: "Are you dumping me?"

Y/N: "I think, I am."

Null: "We have a deal asshole! And I'll be damned if you go and break it!"

A crate is slammed against my head knocking me to the floor.

Y/N: "Dick move."

A tendril sprouts from my back wrapping around a pillar. I'm violently pulled towards the wall. Acting quick I spin using my feet to take the hit. I grab the tendril yanking it off the pillar. I then stand smiling.

Y/N: "Now what're you gonna do?"

A second tendril wraps my neck choking me out. I struggle when the tendril wraps around my mouth. My lights slowly starting fading out. As a last ditch attempt I bite the tendril as hard as I can. It works in the form of the tendril loosening.

Null: "Really? Biting?"

Y/N: "Hurts don't-"

I'm yanked onto a wall becoming paralyzed.

Null: "It seems leaving you control was a mistake."

Y/N: "What're you going on about?"

Null: "I've put this off because I liked you. But the time has come."

Y/N: "What has come?"

Null: "War."

Goo consumes my feet. It then spreads upwards. I can only watch as the world is consumed in darkness.

3rd POV

Y/N sheds a tear as he's fully covered in Null's essence. After a couple seconds the goo begins receding. When it fully is Y/N is no more. In his place is a monster straight out of a horror movie.

 In his place is a monster straight out of a horror movie

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

The creature drops down looking around. With a leap it exits the storage area before swinging down the road with aid of web strands.

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