A Deal

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I cross my arms, looking at the red eyes.

Y/N: "Why would I need help?"

Eyes: "Don't act so brave. I know the pain you carry. I can practically smell it."

Y/N: "Oh please tell, what pain do I carry?"

Eyes: "You've not been doing well Y/N. First your age is starting to show. Then your body starts falling apart. Now you carry loss in your heart."

I look down.

Eyes: "All these bad things happening to you. They make you furious. You feel like you're being screwed over by the great Oum."

I uncross my arms.

Y/N: "Yeah."

I clench my fists.

Y/N: "All I wanted was to help people. But all I get is a failing body and loss. I don't deserve this."

I unclench my fists feeling some tears brew.

Y/N: "It hurts. Carrying all of this. I'm not sure if my heart can keep going."

Eyes: "Allow me to help."

I look up at the eyes.

Eyes: "Your heart is weighed down. This has dampened your strength. Allow me to take the weight."

Y/N: "And this'll make me stronger?"

Eyes: "You'll be stronger than you ever were."

A tendril manifests in front of me.

Eyes: "Whaddaya say. Do we have a deal?"

I think. I could be happy again. No more sadness. I smile grabbing the tendril.

Y/N: "We do."

The world returns to normal. Looking around I see the rain is now gone. I focus on my emotions and smile not feeling any sadness.

Y/N: "This feels nice."

My moment is ruined by an alarm going off. I however smile.

Y/N: "Time for some action."

I leap towards the scene. But as soon as I land I notice a glaring problem.

Y/N: "Crap. I forgot my suit."

As I say this my suit somehow martializes on me. I look it over.

Y/N: "How?"

Eyes: *in head* "I have the ability to make anything you can think of."

I smile under my mask.

Y/N: "Wicked."

I leap onto the street catching the attention of a gunman.

Gunman: "Stay back!"

Y/N: "No good law breaker."

He opens fire at me. I ready myself. But when I move I notice just how fast I'm actually reacting. The bullets seem to move in slow motion. Yep, I'm definitely faster. Going pass the bullets I fire a web strand at the gunman. With a pull I instantly arrive kicking his chest. He rockets into a building pillar severely cracking it.

Y/N: "I even hit harder."

I take in my feat and head to deal with the threat.

3rd POV

Two minutes after going in the cops arrive surrounding the area. But as the exit their cars they spot every would be robber hanging from a lamppost by a strand of web.

Cop1: "Seems as though we were too slow."

Cop2: "Wait. Reports said there were six men."

Cop1: "So?"

Cop2: "There's only five."


Making my way to the top of the building I come face to face with the leader of those so called robbers.

Leader: "Why didn't my men stop you?"

Y/N: "Maybe I'm just too good."

Leader: "Smug bastard."

He fires his machine gun at me. I easily leap over his bullets. I come down with a right hook which he catches.

Leader: "I've heard about you failing body. This'll be an easy match."

I grab his wrist pulling away his fist. I then slung his face with a right hook. He tumbles across the floor before going over the ledge. I however attach a web strand to his foot keeping him from falling.

Y/N; "Serves you right."

I leap away landing on a water tower. My suit disperses making my smile.

Eyes: "How was it?"

Y/N: "It was amazing! I felt so powerful!"

Eyes: "It brings me joy seeing you so happy."

Y/N: "You got a name?"

Eyes: "Why?"

Y/N: "Well. It's just that now that we're gonna be partners, I feel as though I should get to know you."

Eyes: "Very well. You may call me Null."

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