Get Out

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Blake: "What the hell was that?"

I look at her.

Y/N: "What?"

Blake: "You should be ashamed of yourself."

She grabs her plate heading for the kitchen. I follow after her.

Y/N: "How exactly should I be ashamed of myself?"

She angerly scrubs her plate.

Blake: "You had no right saying those all those hurtful things."

I only cross my arms.

Y/N: "They're not hurtful if they're true."

She stops scrubbing looking at me.

Blake: "Really?"

I raise my hands in another shrug.

Y/N: "Yes?"

The look on her face in utter anger.

Blake: "Listen here mister. I don't know exactly what your problem is. But I don't like. Our daughter wanted to admit she was in love. But no, you just couldn't accept it."

Y/N: "I can accept her being in love. But what I don't accept is her not telling me she planned on leaving the city defesneless."

Blake: "What is with you and the sudden interest of the city? It's be safe for the past three years."

Y/N: "But it might not stay that way. For all we know it could be attacked tomorrow."

She narrows her eyes.

Blake: "While we're on the subject, I had a chat with Marty."

She gets in my face.

Blake: "Turns out the tractor never broke down. He even said that you never showed up. So tell me Y/N. Why were you really late today?"

Y/N: "Marty's a liar. I was at his house all damn day yesterday. He was probably too busy working to notice my presence."

Blake: "Don't play with me Y/N! I know you're lying! Just tell me where you were!"

I get in her face.

Y/N: "Why're you damn interested in my whereabouts? I have a right to privacy."

She narrows her eyes.

Blake: "It's a simple question! A simple question that requires a simple answer! So answer!"

Y/N: "You don't need to know my every move!"

She punches my chest making me wince. Narrowing her eyes she tears open my shirt revealing my slightly bruised chest. Her eyes widen.

Blake: "How'd you get that?"

Y/N: "Why would you care?"

Fury now consumes her face.

Blake: "You've been heroing!"

I finally let loose.

Y/N: "Fine, I admit it! I've been out there fighting crime! And you know what!? It felt fantastic! Feeling the rush of stopping a rogue villain! It's so damn intoxicating! Why would I ever give it up!?"

Blake: "So that's what all of this about!?! Some cheap thrill!?!"

Y/N: "And what if it is!?! I was out there having the time of my life! It brought me more joy than boring nine to five! And you wanna take that away from me!?!"

Blake: "I'm looking out for this family!!! You damn near lost your arm! And after being warned you go out and do the thing they said would make it worse!"

Y/N: "I'm stronger now! Stronger than I've ever been before!"

Blake: "That doesn't matter! You need to understand that you've got a family to provide for. And you can't do that if you rush towards the grave!"

Y/N: "What's the damn point!?!"

She leans back.

Blake: "Whaddaya mean?"

Y/N: "I mean what's the point in taking care of people when they're just taken away from you?"

Blake: "What're you saying?"

Y/N: "Why should I break my body to take of people when they could be gone the next day? It's pointless. People are pointless. All that matters is yourself. No one else."

She turns her back to me.

Blake: "Get out."

Y/N: "What?"

I touch her shoulder. She squirms out of my grasp.

Blake: "I said get out. Out of this house. Now."

Y/N: "Blake I-"

Blake: "Now! Please."

I turn around walking away. But as I exit the kitchen I hear Blake crying. I focus faintly hearing her voice.

Blake: "What happened to you Y/N?"

I look down finally leaving my house.

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