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Exiting a swing I summersault perching on a lamppost. I then scan the streets looking for any trouble.

Y/N: "It's so weird."

Null: *in head* "What?"

Y/N: "Usually this place's crawling with criminals. But it's quiet. Almost as if they just up and vanished."

Null: "They're here. I can smell their filthy scent."

Y/N: "Just wish there was a way I could locate them."

Null: "Look."

He uses a tendril to point. It's then I see a man discreetly steal a wallet. 

Null: "I vote we interrogate him and see what he knows."

Y/N: "Shake the branch and see what falls. I like it."

I leap onto a building tailing him. When he gets out of view I attach a web strand to his ankles before hoisting him in the air. I hop down walking to him.

Robber: "What the hell?"

I reach him spinning him around.

Robber: "Great. You."

Y/N: "Listen here criminal. This' only gonna go one of two ways. Either tell me what I wanna know and walk away, happy as can be. Or be difficult and leave in a body bag. Your choice."

Robber: "Nice try hero. But I know you. You'd never resort to violence."

He smiles smugly. I grit my teeth when my fist collides with his ribs eliciting a deep crack. He coughs out all his air before gasping for air.

Y/N: "I mean it sonny Jim. I will make you hurt."

Robber: *gasping* "Fucking asshole... you broke my ribs!"

Y/N: "I'll break more than that if don't start talking."

He reclaims his breathing looking at me.

Robber: "What is it you wanna know?"

Y/N: "What is it that's going on in the criminal world? Where is everyone?"

Robber: "They're in hiding."

Y/N: "Why?"

Robber: "War's coming. Like none we've ever seen before. It'll make the Great War look like easy mode."

Y/N: "Who's partaking in this war?"

Robber: "How the hell should I know? I'm just a low level thug."

I grab his broken ribs applying pressure. This makes his breathing hitch as he begins turning red.

Robber: *strained* "Stop... I can't... breathe."

Y/N: "It takes around ten seconds to choke someone out. Any longer and your chances of death increase by the minute. So I suggest you spill everything you know."

Robber: "I swear... I have no idea."

Y/N: "Then tell me where I can find someone who does."

Robber: "South Atlas... there's a guy. Been running... a group of guys. If anyone knows anything... it's him."

Y/N: "I do appreciate your cooperation."

His eyes begin drooping. I let go making him cough his lungs out. I then squat down to his level.

Y/N: "It'll be in your best interest to keep this hush hush. Think you can do that?"

Robber: "I swear I won't tell anyone."

Null: "I don't trust him."

Y/N: *in head* "He'll be fine. We roughed him up. He's not gonna tell anyone."

Null: "You never know with criminal scum."

I begin walking away. But a tingle runs down my spine. Twisting to the side spares my head from a bullet. I turn around shaking my head.

Y/N: "That wasn't a very smart move."

The color leaves his being.

Robber: *meekly* "I'm sorry."

I attach a web strand to his face. With a tug to the side his head slams against the concrete building instantly knocking him out.

Null: "Told you so."

Y/N: *out loud* "Oh be quiet."

I leap away to try and stop anymore crime.

3rd POV

As Y/N leaves the area he's left unaware of the blood beginning to pool under the robber he knocked out.

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