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I huff in pain as my body turns to lead. My right arm then shakes as it turns to jelly. 

Y/N: "They're gone. Now they're safe."

Krul: "Don't speak with certainty."

I turn seeing Krul with the Grimm horde behind him.

I raise my fists but only my left one does. Looking at my right arm I see it turning blueish black.

Krul: "Give up Y/N. You're in no shape to fight."

He walks to me holding out his hand.

Krul: "Join me Y/N. I can heal you completely. Make you as strong as you've ever been."

I look at his hand.

Y/N: "If I join you you'll just kill my family."

Krul: "But it'll be quick. They won't feel a thing. You have my word."

I narrow my eyes firing a web strand at his face. With a yank I slam his face onto my knee knocking him back. He shows a slightly annoyed look.

Krul: "Fine. Be difficult. But one way or another you will be on my side. Whether by choice or force."

He snaps his fingers. The horde encompasses us creating a small ring.

Krul: "You want a fight?"

He discards his cloak.

Krul: "Then a fight you shall get."

He rushes at me at blinding speed. I duck dodging his claws. Now in the clear I uppercut his chin. He however easily catches my attack. He smiles swinging his arm into my ribs eliciting two snaps. 

I fight through the pain kicking his chest. He's scooted back to the edge of the ring. Aiming his hand at me several tendrils head for me. Pushing my speed up I duck under the first tendril. Then with a roll I avoid the second tendril. 

My right ear tingles making me tilt my head to the side. But this allows the final tendril to wrap around my left wrist. I'm pulled off my feet and slammed onto the ground twice. After that I'm thrown into the air where I land hard on my neck.

Krul: "I really didn't want it to come to this. But you pushed and pushed and now here we are."

I stagger to my feet when a mini Nevermore feather is launched hitting my shoulder. As I tumble backwards my ankles are pulled out from under me by a tendril. I'm dragged across the floor before being hoisted in the air.

Krul: "All I want is the continuation of my kind. But to do that I require your assistance. But no. You only care about yourself. You'd rather watch an entire race die. All because you're stuck playing the role of the hero."

He slams a Beringel's fist into my broken ribs ribs making me gasp. I'm slammed onto the ground again. The back of my neck is grabbed when my face is crushed into the ground. Krul flips me over before starting to choke me out. 

Krul: "I had such high hopes for you Y/N. I thought you'd gladly help me save my race. But all you've done is disappoint me. Now I'm forced to make you submit."

My eyes droop as he leans closer.

Krul: "When this' over I'm going after your family. I'll make you watch as I slowly drain their souls from their bodies. And I'll be sure to take my sweet time with that gorgeous woman you call your wife."

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