Promise Me

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She lets go of my now stinging ear. I rub it.

Y/N: "I'll be more careful."

Voice: "Y/N, Noir!!!!!"

I look down the hall to see a now seven year old Susan running to us. She's picked up by Noir.

Susan: "Did you fight bad guys?"

Noir: "Sure did. And we kicked their butts."

She smiles showing a couple missing teeth.

Susan: "When I grow up I wanna be a hero just like you guys."

Voice: "That's still a way's away."

I smile seeing Mark walking to us. I smile further seeing even more gray hairs. He holds Susan.

Mark: "But promise me you won't be too reckless. Like someone I know."

He slightly eyes me.

Y/N: "Why's everyone calling me reckless?"

They laugh making me cross my arms in a pout. But it's cut short by my scroll ringing.

Y/N: "Yes?"

Glynda: "Hey Y/N."

Y/N: "Hey mom."

Glynda: "Is now a good time?"

Y/N: "Yeah. Why?"

Glynda: "It's Ozpin."

My heart slightly sinks. 

Y/N: "Oh."

Glynda: "How soon can you be there?"

Y/N: "Five minutes. Ten tops."

I hang up.

Blake: "Everything okay?"

Y/N: "I can only hope so."

I get on some regular clothes. I then kiss everyone goodbye. Nine minutes later I arrive at the local hospital. Heading inside I see Glynda waiting outside his room.

Y/N: "Well?"

She places her hand on my shoulder.

Glynda: "It was a stroke. And not a light one. The doctors say if we waited even a second longer then he'd had died."

I hang my head. He's getting worse. I look back up at mom.

Y/N: "Can I see him?"

She smiles.

Glynda: "Of course."

I walk inside his room. Looking at his bed I see uncle Ozpin looking out the window. He looks at me smiling.

Ozpin: "Y/N my dear boy. It's so good to see you."

I smile standing next to him. I then hold his hand.

Ozpin: "I saw the news. You and Noir did good."

I smile at his praise.

Y/N: "I was only doing what I was taught."

He shows a warm smile.

Ozpin: "I'm so proud of you my dear boy. I can't even begin to express just how proud I am."

He begins coughing. I hand him a glass of water. Taking a few sips he sighs in relief. Setting his glass down he sighs.

Ozpin: "I'm not doing so well."

I force a smile.

Y/N: "What're you talking about old man? You're as healthy as a horse."

He half smiles.

Ozpin: "If only."

There's a couple seconds of silence.

Ozpin: "I know it pains you to see me like this."

I look at him, trying not to cry.

Ozpin: "And I know you don't wanna heart this, but it's gotta be said. You know I'm not gonna get better."

The urge to cry breaks causing a few tears to fall.

Ozpin: "We've known for the past three years it was only gonna go downhill."

I hug him tightly. He rubs my back as my tears increase.

Y/N: "It's not fair. Why's it gotta be you?"

Ozpin: "Life is never fair. When we're happy we're thrown a curveball."

Y/N: "There's gotta be something we can do."

Ozpin: "Look at me."

I pull back looking into his eyes.

Ozpin: "These things happen with age. There'll come a time where our bodies can't take it anymore and begin falling apart. You may be strong. But you're not strong enough to carry a weighted heart. So when I pass I want you to promise me that you won't drag yourself down"

I lay my head on his chest.

Y/N: "I promise."

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