Something Might Be Wrong

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The morning after my talk with Blake I leap onto a water tower overlooking the city. I'm soon joined by Noir. We both take a seat on the edge.

Noir: "Hey."

Y/N: "Hi."

Noir: "So what's on the agenda for today?"

Y/N: "Well Marko's bakery was robbed."

Noir: "Eh. Odds are he left the back door open and strays got in again."

Y/N: "There's that disturbance on Rose Street."

Noir: "That's just old Harry being drunk."

I place my hand on my chin.

Y/N: "How about the break in on Sunbeam Avenue?"

Noir: "Let's do it."

Getting on our masks we leap towards the break in. Getting there we see a group of men trying to make off with bags of jewels.

Noir: "Care to make a bet?"

Y/N: "What kind?"

Noir: "Whoever takes down the most goons doesn't have to do laundry for an entire week."

Y/N: "You're on."

I leap down.

Noir: "Cheater!"

I land on a goon driving them into the ground. Looking up I look directly down a goon's gun. I attach a web strand to his foot and pull. With a spin I slam them into the wall taking them down. A tingle runs down my spine making me side flip onto the wall barely missing a bullet. I then push off slamming my foot into the sender's chest. They're then lifted off the ground and slammed onto a goon that's already down. 

Noir: "I win."

Y/N: "Are you blind squirt? I won by a landslide."

Noir: "If anyone needs their eyes checked it's you. I was the clear winner."

Y/N: "Sure."

I look to the side to see one goon trying to escape. 

Noir: "I got him."

I stick her hand to the wall with a blob of web.

Y/N: "Too slow."

I attach a web strand to the goon's back pulling myself to him. But right when I get close he disappears in a puff of smoke. I look around when my right arm raises itself. I catch his fist. I then look at him.

Y/N: "Do try harder."

He smiles applying more pressure. My arm begins to tremble, crap not now. I try to maintain my strength but it's rapidly failing. Right when it's about to give Noir punches the goon out cold. She then reveals her face.

Noir: "What happened? You should've had that."

Y/N: "Sorry. My arm was just acting up."

She holds it looking it over.

Noir: "You need to go to the doctor?"

Y/N: "No. I just need some rest."

Noir: "Don't be stubborn dad. You never know what could be going on under the surface."

I pull my arm away offering her a smile.

Y/N: "I'll be alright. I promise. I'm the toughest guy on Remnant."

Noir: "Except when it comes to mom."

I slightly smile. 

Y/N: "Yeah right."

Noir: "Hi mom."

I freeze becoming fearful.

Y/N: "I wasn't talking smack!"

Noir bursts into laughter making me narrow my eyes at her.

Y/N: "That was wrong."

She only laughs harder. Later that day I walk into Vale Central Hospital. Immediately I hear someone shout.

Woman: "It's the hero!!!"

I get surrounded by fans who either hold out papers or cameras.

Y/N: "Excuse me. pardon me."

I gently push them aside when a little girl no older than five stops me. She shyly holds out a notepad with red consuming her cheeks. 

Girl: "C-C-Can I-I-"

She hangs her head avoiding eye contact.

Girl: "Can I please have your autograph!?!"

I smile.

Y/N: "Of course."

I take her notepad and write my signature. She raises her head showing a massive smile.

Girl: "Thank you."

I ruffle her hair.

Y/N: "No worries."

I pass her heading to the receptionist.

Girl: "You're my hero Y/N!!!"

I smirk reaching the desk.

Y/N: "Y/N L/N. Here to see doctor Ash."

She smiles typing on her keyboard.

Receptionist: "Room 303."

I nod heading to the mentioned room. Not even a minute later he enters the room.

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