Low Level Theft

21 0 0

Noir POV

I land on a lamppost looking down the street. 

Noir: "Alright. Now which way did you go?"

I scan the area when I hear a woman scream. Running down the street I see a man with a lizard tail being cornered by police.

Cop: "Stand down and hand over the dust!"

Eric: "Never!"

He uses his special ability to spit blobs of acid at the cops. I yank a manhole cover off and toss it to make it take the hit. This puts Eric's attention on me.

Eric: *narrows eyes* "You."

I vault over a cop car walking towards Eric.

Noir: "That's enough Eric. I think this stunt has gone on long enough."

Eric: "It hasn't gone on long enough!"

He spits several acidic loogies at me. I twist my body to the side dodging the first one. I twist the other way dodging the second one. The third one goes for my chest but I side flip over it. Back on my feet I fire a blob of web at Eric covering his mouth. 

Noir: "That's enough of that."

He makes a mad dash for me. I however fire a web strand at his head. He tilts his head dodging. I smile pulling the web strand. A section of the wall is yanked free smashing against Eric's head knocking him out.

Noir: "Nighty night Eric."

He's lifted up when I hear something hit the ground. Picking it up I notice it to be a letter. 

Noir: "What's this?"

I start opening it when my scroll begins ringing.

Noir: "Hello?"

Lucas: "Hey, is this a bad time?"

I smile.

Noir: "Not at all. Just finished up a crime."

Lucas: "What was it this time?"

Noir: "Eric."

Lucas: "Him again? You just fought him last week."

Noir: "I know. But like always he's eagerness was his downfall."

Lucas: "Does that mean you're free?"

Noir: "For the moment."

I leap onto of a building uncovering my face.

Noir: "Why?"

Lucas: "It's just that I scored two tickets to the local game. I asked Gertrude and Tria but they said they were too busy. So that just left you."

I smile deciding to tease him.

Noir: "Are you sure you asked them? Or did you just say that so you can be with me?"

I can practically feel his embarrassment. 

Lucas: "I..."

I giggle.

Noir: "Relax. I'm just messing with you. I'll gladly go with you. Meet me at my house in an hour."

Lucas: "Right. See you then."

I hang up smiling. 

Noir: "He's so cute when he's flustered."

Recovering my face I swing my way back to my house. Entering my window I discard my costume and get ready for my date.

*meanwhile 3rd POV*

In the midlands of Vacuo we see that sand rat crawling down the road. But it's worse for wear. It's skin is rotted with several bones being exposed. Going into an alley that goo exits the sand rat. The second it does it fully decomposes into powder. That goo quickly slithers to the alley edge looking at all of the passing people.

A clearly wealthy man walks by. The goo launches itself onto the man before seeping into his skin. The man stops standing dead still. His eyes turn solid white as he looks around. Spotting a fish tank he walks to it. He withdraws a fish eating it raw. 

Man: "Hey, you gotta pay for that!"

Several men get up reaching for a gun. The possessed man emits a low growl. Tiny bone spikes protrude from his back. The men withdraw their guns. But the spikes are launched skewering the men. As they fall down the possessed man turns resuming its long walk.

A True HeroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora