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I land on a roof edge where I hear Null's voice.

Null: *in head* "So how're we gonna find this guy?"

Y/N: "We find a hornet's nest and kick it to see who gets pissed."

I pull out my scroll looking through the local police network.

Y/N: "Let's see. Says there's a dust store that's been on the receiving end of quite a few robberies. I vote we start there. See what we can find."

I leap swinging towards the dust store. Landing I enter being met with the owner.

Owner: "The hero? What a surprise. What is I can help you with?"

Y/N: "I heard you've had a robbery problem. What can you tell me?"

Owner: "It's the same group of guys. Men dressed in skull masks. They come in, threaten violence and leave dust in hand."

Y/N: "Who are these guys?"

Owner: "Skullers. Rather nasty anarchy group. But this' the most active they've been."

Y/N: "They not normally like this?"

Owner: "No. Usually they tend to work in the shadows. They've never done anything this public."

Y/N: "Do you know where I can find them?"

Owner: "Word on the grape vine is they've taken over a gun store on the edge of the city. I'd look there."

Y/N: "Preciate it."

Exiting the store I leap towards the mentioned location.

Null: "Skullers. What a cheesy name."

Y/N: "Agreed. But they're our best shot at getting to this unknown man."

Null: "How much you wanna bet we'll be walking into a trap?"

Y/N: "It's pretty much guaranteed. Which is why we're gonna wait until night. That'll give us the best shot at taking them down silently."

Null: "Uh huh. Or we could do it my way."

I land overlooking the store.

Y/N: "And what exactly would that entail?"

Null: "Brute force."

Y/N: "Tempting. But I doubt it'll work."

Null: "It will. Trust me."

Y/N: "Let's just try it my way first."

Null: "Fine."

And so we wait until nighttime. When it is I sneak in through an airduct. Crawling through the ventilation I reach the main area of the store.

Y/N: "Here goes nothing."

Hopping down I immediately take down a Skuller. Slinking behind an isle I peek over seeing two Skullers talking. I fire two web strands at their face then yank them into the scorpion position instantly taking them down.

Now clear I progress to the front counter where I see a massive Skuller guarding a door. I peek out of cover firing a web strand at their face pulling myself to them. But they easily catch me by the waist.

Skuller: "Puny bug."

They toss me away making me knock over three shelves.

Radio: "What's going on up there?"

Skuller: *grabs radio* "The hero's here. But don't worry. I'll take care of him."

He begins walking to me as I stagger to my feet.

Null: "Now can we use my plan?"

Y/N: "Not yet."

I leap towards the Skuller bringing my foot down on him. He blocks it. I smile spinning my other foot into his jaw. He collides into the wall severely cracking it. Not giving him room to breathe I web his legs spinning him around. When I have enough speed I let go sending him into the door he was guarding. He collides with it blowing it off its hinges.

Y/N: "Serves you right punk."

I smile when dozens of Skullers emerge aiming machine guns at me.

Null: "Now?"

I grit my teeth.

Y/N: "Fine."

I relax letting him take the lead.

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